
This module contains the Segmentation class, responsible for the image segmentation of grain-based materials (rocks, metals, etc.)



Segmentation of grain-based microstructures

class grains.segmentation.Segmentation(image_location, save_location=None, interactive_mode=True)[source]

Bases: object

Segmentation of grain-based microstructures


Matrix representing the initial, unprocessed image.




Directory where the processed images are saved




Use thinning on the grain boundary image to obtain a single-pixel wide skeleton.


boundary_image (bool ndarray) – A binary image containing the objects to be skeletonized.


skeleton (bool ndarray) – Thinned image.

filter_image(window_size, image_matrix=None)[source]

Median filtering on an image. The median filter is useful in our case as it preserves the important borders (i.e. the grain boundaries).

  • window_size (int) – Size of the sampling window.

  • image_matrix (3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension, optional) – Input image to be filtered. If not given, the original image is used.


filtered_image (3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension) – Filtered image, output of the median filter algorithm.


Find the grain boundaries.


segmented_image (ndarray) – Label image, output of a segmentation.


boundary (bool ndarray) – A bool ndarray, where True represents a boundary pixel.


Perform the quick shift superpixel segmentation on an image. The quick shift algorithm is invoked with its default parameters.


*args (3D numpy array with size 3 in the third dimension) – Input image to be segmented. If not given, the original image is used.


segment_mask (ndarray) – Label image, output of the quick shift algorithm.

merge_clusters(segmented_image, threshold=5)[source]

Merge tiny superpixel clusters. Superpixel segmentations result in oversegmented images. Based on graph theoretic tools, similar clusters are merged.

  • segmented_image (ndarray) – Label image, output of a segmentation.

  • threshold (float, optional) – Regions connected by edges with smaller weights are combined.


merged_superpixels (ndarray) – The new labelled array.

save_array(filename, array)[source]

Save an image as a numpy array. The array is saved in the standard numpy format, into the directory determined by the save_location attribute.

  • filename (str) – The array is saved under this name, with extension .npy

  • array (ndarray) – An image represented as a numpy array.

save_image(filename, array, is_label_image=False)[source]

Save an image as a numpy array. The array is saved in the standard numpy format, into the directory determined by the save_location attribute.

  • filename (str) – The array is saved under this name, with extension .npy

  • array (ndarray) – An image represented as a numpy array.

  • is_label_image (bool) – True if the array represents a labeled image.


Watershed segmentation of a granular microstructure. Uses the watershed transform to label non-overlapping grains in a cellular microstructure given by the grain boundaries.


skeleton (bool ndarray) – A binary image, the skeletonized grain boundaries.


segmented (ndarray) – Label image, output of the watershed segmentation.


A trimmed version of the Gala project ( with some additions (new function, added documentation for the existing ones). Gala is licensed by the Janelia Farm License:

Copyright 2012 HHMI. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of HHMI nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



imextendedmin(image, h[, connectivity])

Extended-minima transform.

hminima(a, thresh)

Suppress all minima that are shallower than thresh.

imhmin(a, thresh)

Suppress all minima that are shallower than thresh.

morphological_reconstruction(marker, mask[, …])

Perform morphological reconstruction of the marker into the mask.

regional_minima(a[, connectivity])

Find the regional minima in an ndarray.


grains.gala_light.hminima(a, thresh)[source]

Suppress all minima that are shallower than thresh.

  • a (array) – The input array on which to perform hminima.

  • thresh (float) – Any local minima shallower than this will be flattened.


out (array) – A copy of the input array with shallow minima suppressed.

grains.gala_light.imextendedmin(image, h, connectivity=1)[source]

Extended-minima transform. The extended minima transform is the regional minima of the h-minima transform. The implementation follows the MATLAB function under the same name.

  • image (ndarray) – The input array on which to perform imextendedmin.

  • h (float) – Any local minima shallower than this will be flattened.

  • connectivity (int, optional) – Determines which elements are considered as neighbors of the central element. Elements up to a squared distance of connectivity from the center are considered neighbors. If connectivity=1, no diagonal elements are neighbors.


bool ndarray – True at places of the extended minima.

grains.gala_light.imhmin(a, thresh)

Suppress all minima that are shallower than thresh.

  • a (array) – The input array on which to perform hminima.

  • thresh (float) – Any local minima shallower than this will be flattened.


out (array) – A copy of the input array with shallow minima suppressed.

grains.gala_light.morphological_reconstruction(marker, mask, connectivity=1)[source]

Perform morphological reconstruction of the marker into the mask.

See the Matlab image processing toolbox documentation for details:

grains.gala_light.regional_minima(a, connectivity=1)[source]

Find the regional minima in an ndarray. As written in the MATLAB documentation of the imregionalmin function: “Regional minima are connected components of pixels with a constant intensity value, surrounded by pixels with a higher value.”


This module contains the Analysis class, responsible for the analysis of segmented grain-based microstructures.

All the examples assume that the modules numpy and matplotlib.pyplot were imported as np and plt, respectively.



Analysis of grain assemblies.



Determines the maximum Feret diameter.

plot_prop(prop[, pixel_per_unit, show_axis])

Plots relevant region properties into a single figure.

plot_grain_characteristic(characteristic, …)

Plots the distribution of a given grain characteristic.

show_label_image(label_image[, alpha])

Displays a labeled image.


Skeleton of a labeled image.

thicken_skeleton(skeleton, thickness)

Thickens a skeleton by morphological dilation.

label_image_apply_mask(label_image, mask, value)

Changes parts of a labeled image to a given value.

class grains.analysis.Analysis(label_image, interactive_mode=False)[source]

Bases: object

Analysis of grain assemblies.


Matrix representing the initial, unprocessed image.




Directory where the processed images are saved




Determines relevant properties of the grains. The area of each grain is determined in the units previously given in the set_scale method.

  • window_size (int) – Size of the sampling window.

  • image_matrix (3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension, optional) – Input image to be filtered. If not given, the original image is used.


filtered_image (3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension) – Filtered image, output of the median filter algorithm.


Defines a scale for performing computations in that unit. Image measures (area, diameter, etc.) are performed on a matrix corresponding to a label image. Therefore, the result of all the computations are obtained in pixel units. It is often of interest to access the results in physical units (mm, cm, inch, etc.). Manually converting pixels, pixel squares, etc. to pyhsical units, physical unit sqaures, etc. are tedious and error prone. Once the conversion between a pixel and a physical unit is given, all the subsequent calculations are performed in the desired physical unit.


pixel_per_unit (float or int or scalar ndarray, optional) – Number of pixels contained in a certain unit. The default is 1, in which case all measurements are performed in pixel units.




Display the grains, optionally with a property superposed.

grain_property ({None, ‘area’, ‘centroid’, ‘coordinate’,) – ‘equivalent_diameter’, ‘feret_diameter’, ‘label’}


If not None, the selected property is shown on the grain as text.




Displays previously computed properties of the grains


gui (bool, optional) – If true, the grain properties are shown in a GUI. If false, they are printed to stdout. The default is False. The GUI requires the dfgui modul, which can be obtained from




Determines the maximum Feret diameter.


prop (RegionProperties) – Describes a labeled region.


max_feret_diameter (float) – Maximum Feret diameter of the region.

See also


Measure properties of labeled image regions


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from skimage.measure import regionprops
>>> image = np.ones((2,2), dtype=np.int8)
>>> prop = regionprops(image)[0]
>>> feret_diameter(prop)
grains.analysis.label_image_apply_mask(label_image, mask, value)[source]

Changes parts of a labeled image to a given value.

Convenience function, equivalent to label_image[mask] = value but the original array label_image is not overwritten.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.

  • mask (ndarray) – Boolean array of the same size as label_image, marking the pixels that will be replaced by value.

  • value (int) – The masked pixels are replaced by this value.


ndarray – Copy of the input image, its selected pixels being replaced by the given value.


Skeleton of a labeled image.

The skeleton of a labeled image is a single-pixel wide network that separates the labeled regions.


label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.


ndarray – A 2D bool numpy array having the same size as label_image, where True represents the skeleton pixels.

grains.analysis.plot_grain_characteristic(characteristic, centers, interpolation='linear', grid_size=(100, 100), **kwargs)[source]

Plots the distribution of a given grain characteristic.

One way to gain insight into a grain assembly is to plot the distribution of a certain grain property in the domain the grains occupy. In this function, for each grain, and arbitrary (scalar) quantity is associated to the center of the grain. In case of n grains, n data points span the interpolant and the given characteristic is interpolated on a grid of the AABB of the grain centers.

  • characteristic (ndarray) – Characteristic property, the distribution of which is sought. A 1D numpy array.

  • centers (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a grain, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the grain center.

  • interpolation ({‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’}, optional) – Type of the interpolation for creating the distribution. The default is ‘linear’.

  • grid_size (tuple of int, optional) – 2-tuple, the size of the grid on which the data is interpolated. The default is (100, 100).

Other Parameters
  • center_marker (str, optional) – Marker indicating the center of the grains. The default is ‘P’. For a list of supported markers, see the documentation. If you do not want the centers to be shown, choose ‘none’.

  • show_axis (bool, optional) – If True, the axes are displayed. The default is False.




This function knows nothing about how the center of a grain is determined and what characteristic features a grain has. It only performs interpolation and visualization, hence decoupling the plotting from the actual representation of grains and their characteristics. For instance, a grain can be represented as a spline surface, as a polygon, as an assembly of primitives (often triangles), as pixels, just to mention some typical scenarios. Calculating the center of a grain depends on the grain representation at hand. Similarly, one can imagine various grain characteristics, such as area, diameter, Young modulus.


Assume that the grain centers are sampled from a uniformly random distribution on the unit square.

>>> n_data = 100
>>> points = np.random.random((n_data, 2))

The quantity we want to plot has a parabolic distribution with respect to the position of the grain centers.

>>> func = lambda x, y: 1 - (x-0.5)**2 - (y-0.5)**2
>>> plot_grain_characteristic(func(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]), points, center_marker='*')
grains.analysis.plot_prop(prop, pixel_per_unit=1, show_axis=True)[source]

Plots relevant region properties into a single figure. Four subfigures are created, giving the region’s

  • image, its area and its center

  • filled image, its area

  • bounding box, its area

  • convex image, its area

  • prop (RegionProperties) – Describes a labeled region.

  • pixel_per_unit (float or int, optional) – Number of pixels contained in a certain unit. The default is 1, in which case all measurements are performed in pixel units.


fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The figure object is returned in case further manipulations are necessary.

grains.analysis.show_label_image(label_image, alpha=1)[source]

Displays a labeled image.

A random color is associated with each labeled region. If boundary pixels are present in the image, they are plotted in black.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of non-negative integers. The label 0 is assumed to denote a boundary pixel.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Opacity of colorized labels. Must be within [0, 1].



grains.analysis.thicken_skeleton(skeleton, thickness)[source]

Thickens a skeleton by morphological dilation.

  • skeleton (ndarray) – Skeleton of a binary image, represented as a bool 2D numpy array.

  • thickness (int) – Thickness of the resulting boundaries.


ndarray – A 2D bool numpy array, where True represents the thickened skeleton.








class grains.meshing.FixedDict(dictionary)[source]

Bases: object

class grains.meshing.OOF2[source]

Bases: object




Exception – DESCRIPTION.




Creates a microstructure from an image.


name (str, optional) – Path to the image on which the microstucture is created, file extension included. If not given, the microstructure is given the same name as the input image.


Exception – DESCRIPTION.



create_skeleton(nelem_x, nelem_y, geometry, name=None)[source]

microstructure_file (str) – DESCRIPTION.



materials2groups(materials, groups=None)[source]
  • materials (list of str) – DESCRIPTION.

  • groups (list of int, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is None.




name (str) – DESCRIPTION.



script = []


class grains.meshing.QuadSkeletonGeometry(leftright_periodicity=False, topbottom_periodicity=False)[source]

Bases: grains.meshing.SkeletonGeometry

class grains.meshing.SkeletonGeometry(leftright_periodicity, topbottom_periodicity)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

class grains.meshing.TriSkeletonGeometry(leftright_periodicity=False, topbottom_periodicity=False, arrangement='conservative')[source]

Bases: grains.meshing.SkeletonGeometry


alias of grains.meshing.modules


This module contains functions to provide geometrical descriptions of a label image. Each labelled region is turned to a surface. This allows mesh generators to work on the geometry instead of an image, thereby creating good quality meshes.

The following functions require PythonOCC version 0.18 to be installed to allow spline manipulations:

  • fit_spline

  • branches2splines

  • region_as_splinegon

  • write_step_file

  • regions2step

  • plot_splinegons

  • splinegonize

  • face_area

  • subtract

  • make_holes


build_skeleton(label_image[, connectivity, …])

Builds skeleton connectivity of a label image.

skeleton2regions(skeleton_network, …)

Determines the regions bounded by a skeleton network.


Determines whether a polygon is oriented clockwise or counterclockwise.

branches2boundary(branches[, orientation])

Joins connecting branches so that they form the boundary of a surface.

region_as_polygon(branches[, orientation, close])

Represents a region as a polygon.

polygonize(label_image, …[, connectivity, …])

Polygon representation of a label image.

branches2splines(branches[, degree_min, …])

Lays splines on branches.

fit_spline(points[, degree_min, degree_max, …])

Approximates a set of points on the plane with a B-spline.


Represents a region as a splinegon.


Creates holes for splinegons that contain other splinegons.

splinegonize(label_image, …[, …])

Polygon representation of a label image.

regions2step(splinegons, filename[, …])

Writes splinegon regions to a STEP file.

plot_polygons(polygons, **kwargs)

Plots polygons.

plot_splinegons(splinegons[, transparency, …])

Plots splinegons.

write_step_file(shape, filename[, …])

Exports a shape to a STEP file.

plot_polygon(vertices[, ax])

Plots a polygon.

overlay_regions(label_image, polygons[, axes])

Plots a label image, and overlays polygonal regions over it.

search_neighbor(radius, norm[, method])

Neighbor search algorithm.


Area of a face.

subtract(shape1, shape2)

Boolean difference of two shapes.


Indicates the outcome of the face construction.


error_code (int) – Error code returned by the Error method of BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.




ValueError – If the error code is 1, 2, 3 or 4. See the OpenCASCADE API: The exception is raised within this function if the face could not be created.


Enumeration value corresponding to the continuity of a B-spline.


continuity ({‘C0’, ‘G1’, ‘C1’, ‘G2’, ‘C2’, ‘C3’, ‘CN’}) – Continuity of the B-spline.


enum (int) – Integer value corresponding to continuity key in the OpenCASCADE API:


Indicates the outcome of the wire construction.


error_code (int) – Error code returned by the Error method of BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.




ValueError – If the error code is 1, 2 or 3. See the OpenCASCADE API: The exception is raised within this function, as an incompatible wire makes it impossible to construct a valid surface.

grains.cad.branches2boundary(branches, orientation='ccw')[source]

Joins connecting branches so that they form the boundary of a surface.

This function assumes that you already know that a set of branches form the boundary of a surface, but you want to know the ordering. Clockwise or counterclockwise orientation is supported. A branch is given by its two end points but it can also contain intermediate points in between, as in the general case. The points on the branches are assumed to be ordered. If certain branches are not used in forming the boundary of a surface, they are excluded from the output lists.

  • branches (list) – Each element of the list gives N>=2 points on the branch, ordered from one end point to the other. If N=2, the two end points are meant. The points are provided as an Nx2 ndarray, the first column giving the x, the second column giving the y coordinates of the points.

  • orientation ({‘cw’, ‘ccw’}, optional) – Clockwise (‘cw’) or counterclockwise (‘ccw’) orientation of the surface boundary. The default is ‘ccw’.


  • order (list) – Order of the branches so that they form the boundary of a surface.

  • redirected (list) – A list of bool with True value if the orientation of the corresponding branch had to be swapped to form the surface boundary.

  • polygon (ndarray) – The polygon formed by connecting the points of the branches along the boundary. It is given given as an Mx2 ndarray, where M is the number of unique points on the boundary (i.e. only one end point is kept for two connecting branches). This auxiliary data is not essential as it can be restored from the set of branches, and their ordering. However, it is computed as temporary data needed for determining the orientation of the boundary.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> branches = [np.array([[1, 1], [1.5, 2], [2, 3]]), np.array([[1, 1], [-1, 2]]),
... np.array([[1.5, -3], [2, 3]]), np.array([[1.5, -3], [-1, 2]])]
>>> order, redirected, polygon = branches2boundary(branches, orientation='cw')
>>> order
[0, 2, 3, 1]
>>> redirected
[False, True, True, False]
>>> polygon
array([[ 1. ,  1. ],
       [ 1.5,  2. ],
       [ 2. ,  3. ],
       [ 1.5, -3. ],
       [-1. ,  2. ]])
grains.cad.branches2splines(branches, degree_min=3, degree_max=8, continuity='C2', tol=0.001)[source]

Lays splines on branches.


branches (list) – Each element of the list gives N>=2 points on the branch, ordered from one end point to the other. If N=2, the two end points are meant. The points are provided as an Nx2 ndarray, the first column giving the x, the second column giving the y coordinates of the points.

Other Parameters

degree_min, degree_max, continuity, tol – See the fit_spline() function.


list – Each member of the list is a Geom_BSplineCurve object, the B-spline approximation of the corresponding input branch. For details on the resulting spline, see the OpenCASCADE documentation:

See also


grains.cad.build_skeleton(label_image, connectivity=1, detect_boundaries=True)[source]

Builds skeleton connectivity of a label image.

A single-pixel wide network is created, separating the labelled image regions. The resulting network contains information about how the regions are connected.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.

  • connectivity ({1,2}, optional) – A connectivity of 1 (default) means pixels sharing an edge will be considered neighbors. A connectivity of 2 means pixels sharing a corner will be considered neighbors.

  • detect_boundaries (bool, optional) – When True, the image boundaries will be treated as part of the skeleton. This allows identifying boundary regions in the skeleton2regions function. The default is True.


skeleton_network (Skeleton) – Geometrical and topological information about the skeleton network of the input image.


Area of a face.


face (TopoDS_Face) – The face for which the area is searched.


float – Area of the face.


For references, see

grains.cad.fit_spline(points, degree_min=3, degree_max=8, continuity='C2', tol=0.001)[source]

Approximates a set of points on the plane with a B-spline.

  • points (ndarray) – 2D ndarray with N>=2 rows and 2 columns, representing the points on the plane, ordered from one end point to the other. The first column gives the x, the second column gives the the y coordinates of the points.

  • degree_min (int, optional) – Minimum degree of the spline. The default is 3.

  • degree_max (int, optional) – Maximum degree of the spline. The default is 8.

  • continuity ({‘C0’, ‘G1’, ‘C1’, ‘G2’, ‘C2’, ‘C3’, ‘CN’}, optional) – The continuity of the spline will be at least continuity. The default is ‘C2’. For their meanings, consult with

  • tol (float, optional) – The distance from the points to the spline will be lower than tol. The default is 1e-3.


spline (Geom_BSplineCurve) – For details on the resulting spline, see the OpenCASCADE documentation:


ValueError – If the minimum degree of the B-spline to be constructed is greater than its maximum degree.


Creates holes for splinegons that contain other splinegons.

When a smaller splinegon is embedded to a larger one, the boundary of the larger splinegon does not describe it properly. The smaller splinegons have to be subtracted to reproduce the non-simply connected domain. As an analogy to material science, the intended application of this module, we will use the term matrix for the larger grain and inclusion for the smaller one. This function handles multiple inclusion in a matrix and should be called after the splinegon regions have been constructed. No need to directly call make_holes() if you use the splinegonize() utility function.


Implement it more generally, see the related issue.


splinegons (dict) – The keys in the dictionary correspond to the labels of the input image, while the values are TopoDS_Face objects, the surfaces of the regions.


splinegons (dict) – The input dictionary modified such that the inclusions are removed from the matrix.

grains.cad.overlay_regions(label_image, polygons, axes=None)[source]

Plots a label image, and overlays polygonal regions over it.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.

  • polygons (dict) – The keys in the dictionary correspond to the labels of the input image, while the values are ndarray objects with two columns, the x and y coordinates of the polygons. This format is respected by the output of the polygonize function.

  • axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – An Axes object on which to draw. If None, a new one is created.


axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The Axes object on which the plot is drawn.

grains.cad.plot_polygon(vertices, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a polygon.

  • vertices (ndarray) – 2D ndarray of size Nx2, with each row designating a vertex and the two columns giving the x and y coordinates of the vertices, respectively.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the polygon is plotted into. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.

  • **kwargs (Line2D properties, optional) – Keyword arguments accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.plot




>>> plot_polygon(np.array([[1, 1], [2, 3], [1.5, -3], [-1, 2]]), marker='o');
grains.cad.plot_polygons(polygons, **kwargs)[source]

Plots polygons.


polygons (list) – Each member of the list is a 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a vertex of the polygon, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices.

Other Parameters

kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments supported by the constructor of the matplotlib.figure.Figure class.


fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – Figure the polygons are plotted into.

See also


grains.cad.plot_splinegons(splinegons, transparency=0.5, color='random')[source]

Plots splinegons.

  • splinegons (list) – Each member of the list is a TopoDS_Face object, the surface of a splinegon.

  • transparency (float, optional) – The transparency value should be between 0 and 1. At 0, an object will be totally opaque, and at 1, fully transparent.

  • color (tuple or str, optional) – Color of the splinegons. Either ‘random’ to associate a random color for each splinegon in the list splinegons or a 3-tuple with entries between 0 and 1 to give the same RGB values to all the splinegons.



See also



Determines whether a polygon is oriented clockwise or counterclockwise.


polygon (list) – Each element of the list denotes a vertex of the polygon and in turn is another list of two elements: the x and y coordinates of a vertex.


orientation ({‘cw’, ‘ccw’}) – ‘cw’: clockwise, ‘ccw’: counterclockwise orientation


The formula to determine the orientation is from For simple polygons (polygons that admit a well-defined interior), a faster algorithm exits, see


>>> polygon = [[5, 0], [6, 4], [4, 5], [1, 5], [1, 0]]
>>> polygon_orientation(polygon)
grains.cad.polygonize(label_image, neighbor_search_algorithm, connectivity=1, detect_boundaries=True, orientation='ccw', close=False)[source]

Polygon representation of a label image.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.

  • neighbor_search_algorithm (functools.partial) – Specifies which algorithm to use for constructing the branch-region connectivity. The function to be passed (along with its arguments) is skeleton2regions().

  • connectivity ({1,2}, optional) – A connectivity of 1 (default) means pixels sharing an edge will be considered neighbors. A connectivity of 2 means pixels sharing a corner will be considered neighbors.

  • detect_boundaries (bool, optional) – When True, the image boundaries will be treated as part of the skeleton. This allows identifying boundary regions in the skeleton2regions function. The default is True.

  • orientation ({‘cw’, ‘ccw’}, optional) – Clockwise (‘cw’) or counterclockwise (‘ccw’) orientation of the polygons. The default is ‘ccw’.

  • close (bool, optional) – When True, one vertex in the polygons is repeated to indicate that the polygons are indeed closed. The default is False.


polygons (dict) – The keys in the dictionary correspond to the labels of the input image, while the values are ndarray objects with two columns, the x and y coordinates of the polygons.


>>> test_image = np.array([
...   [1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]],
...  dtype=np.int8)
>>> polygons = polygonize(test_image, search_neighbor(2, np.inf), connectivity=1)
grains.cad.region_as_polygon(branches, orientation='ccw', close='False')[source]

Represents a region as a polygon.

Based on the combined topological-geometrical (intermediate) representation of the regions, (done by skeleton2regions()), this function provides a fully geometrical description of a region.

  • branches (list) – Each element of the list gives N>=2 points on the branch, ordered from one end point to the other. If N=2, the two end points are meant. The points are provided as an Nx2 ndarray, the first column giving the x, the second column giving the y coordinates of the points. The branches are not necessarily ordered.

  • orientation ({‘cw’, ‘ccw’}, optional) – Clockwise (‘cw’) or counterclockwise (‘ccw’) orientation of the polygons. The default is ‘ccw’.

  • close (bool, optional) – When True, one vertex in the polygons is repeated to indicate that the polygons are indeed closed. The default is False.


polygon (ndarray) – The resulting polygon, given as an Mx2 ndarray, where M is the number of unique points on the polygon (i.e. only one end point is kept for two connecting branches).


Represents a region as a splinegon.

Based on the combined topological-geometrical (intermediate) representation of the regions, (done by skeleton2regions()), this function provides a fully geometrical description of a region.


boundary_splines (list) – Each element of the list is a Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve object, giving a reference to the B-splines bounding the region. The splines must either be ordered (see branches2boundary()) or they must appear in an order such that the n-th spline in the list can be connected to one of the first n-1 splines in the list.



The syntax Handle_classname in PythonOCC corresponds to wrapping the object of class classname with a smart pointer. In the C++ interface, it is done by a template: Handle<classname>.

grains.cad.regions2step(splinegons, filename, application_protocol='AP203')[source]

Writes splinegon regions to a STEP file.

  • splinegons (list) – Each member of the list is a TopoDS_Face object, the surface of a region.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file the regions are saved into.

  • application_protocol ({‘AP203’, ‘AP214IS’, ‘AP242DIS’}, optional) – Version of schema used for the output STEP file. The default is ‘AP203’.



grains.cad.search_neighbor(radius, norm, method='sphere')[source]

Neighbor search algorithm.


radius, norm, method – See the grains.utils.neighborhood() function.


functools.partial – A new function with partial application of the given input arguments on the grains.utils.neighborhood() function. The returned partial function is used internally by skeleton2regions() when performing neighbor searching.

grains.cad.skeleton2regions(skeleton_network, neighbor_search_algorithm)[source]

Determines the regions bounded by a skeleton network.

This function can be perceived as an intermediate step between a skeleton network and completely geometrical representation of the regions. That is, it keeps the key topological information required to create a fully geometrical description, but it also contains the coordinates of the region boundaries. The outputs of this function can be used to build different region representations.

  • skeleton_network (Skeleton) – Geometrical and topological information about the skeleton network of a label image.

  • neighbor_search_algorithm (functools.partial) – Specifies which algorithm to use for constructing the branch-region connectivity. The function to be passed (along with its arguments) is search_neighbor(). For further details, see the Notes below.


  • region_branches (dict) – For each region it contains the branch indices that bound that region.

  • branch_coordinates (list) – Coordinates of the points on each branch.

  • branch_regions (dict) – For each branch it contains the neighboring regions. This auxiliary data is not essential as it can be restored from region_branches. However, it is computed as temporary data needed for region_branches.


Although the algorithms were created to require minimum user intervention, some parameters must be fine-tuned so as to achieve an optimal result in identifying the regions. Visualization plays an important role in it. Full automation is either not possible or would require a huge computational cost. The shortcoming of the algorithms in this function is the following. The recognition of which branches form a region is based on the premise that a node of a branch belongs to a region if its n-pixel neighbourhood contains a pixel from that region. Ideally, n=1 would be used, meaning that the single-pixel width skeleton is located at most 1 pixel afar from the regions it lies among. This is true but the nodes of the skeleton can be farther than 1 pixel from a region. Hence, n has to be a parameter of our model. Increasing n helps in identifying the connecting regions to a node of a branch. On the other hand, if n is too large, regions that “in reality” are not neighbors of a branch will be included. Currently, we recommend trying different parameters n, plot the reconstructed regions over the label image using the overlay_regions() function, and see how good the result is. As a heuristic, start with n=2.

grains.cad.splinegonize(label_image, neighbor_search_algorithm, connectivity=1, detect_boundaries=True, degree_min=3, degree_max=8, continuity='C2', tol=0.0001)[source]

Polygon representation of a label image.

  • label_image (ndarray) – Labeled input image, represented as a 2D numpy array of positive integers.

  • neighbor_search_algorithm (functools.partial) – Specifies which algorithm to use for constructing the branch-region connectivity. The function to be passed (along with its arguments) is skeleton2regions().

  • connectivity ({1,2}, optional) – A connectivity of 1 (default) means pixels sharing an edge will be considered neighbors. A connectivity of 2 means pixels sharing a corner will be considered neighbors.

  • detect_boundaries (bool, optional) – When True, the image boundaries will be treated as part of the skeleton. This allows identifying boundary regions in the skeleton2regions function. The default is True.

Other Parameters

degree_min, degree_max, continuity, tol – See the fit_spline() function.


  • splinegons (dict) – The keys in the dictionary correspond to the labels of the input image, while the values are TopoDS_Face objects, the surfaces of the regions.

  • boundaries (dict) – The keys in the dictionary correspond to the labels of the input image, while the values are TopoDS_Wire objects, the boundaries of the regions.


>>> test_image = np.array([
...   [1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
...   [2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]],
...  dtype=np.int8)
>>> splinegons, _ = splinegonize(test_image, search_neighbor(2, np.inf), connectivity=1, tol=0.1)
>>> plot_splinegons(list(splinegons.values()))
grains.cad.subtract(shape1, shape2)[source]

Boolean difference of two shapes.


shape1, shape2 (TopoDS_Shape) – Surfaces.


difference (TopoDS_Shape) – The set difference shape1 \ shape2.


The implementation follows the following sources:

For Boolean operations in Open CASCADE, see its documentation.

grains.cad.write_step_file(shape, filename, application_protocol='AP203')[source]

Exports a shape to a STEP file.

  • shape (TopoDS_Shape) – Shape to be exported, an object of the TopoDS_Shape class or one of its subclasses. See

  • filename (str) – Name of the file the shape is saved into.

  • application_protocol ({‘AP203’, ‘AP214IS’, ‘AP242DIS’}, optional) – Version of schema used for the output STEP file. The default is ‘AP203’.


For details on how to read and write STEP files, see the documentation on


Extracting and processing meshes from .med files. The functions were tested on the MEDCoupling API, version 9.4.0.

Getting help:

  • This module relies on the Python interface of MEDCoupling. Click here for the latest documentation.

  • User’s manual for the Python interface

  • To know more about the MED file format, which is a specialization of HDF5, see the documentation. For a discussion on the relation between the MED format and the APIS, see this page and that one.

  • The definitions, such as group, used in this module are from the development guide.

  • A (mostly English) tutorial for the Python interface to MEDCoupling is also useful. Particularly interesting are the mesh manipulation examples

  • Main page of the documentation



Reads a mesh file in .med format.


Obtains the nodes and the node groups of a mesh.


Obtains the elements for each group of a mesh., numbering='global')[source]

Obtains the elements for each group of a mesh.

Elements of the same dimension as the mesh are collected (e.g. faces for a 2D mesh).


put those elements that do not belong to any group into an automatically created group


support ordering elements in alphabetical order


implement the ‘global’ strategy

  • mesh (MEDFileUMesh) – Unstructured mesh.

  • numbering ({‘global’}, optional) –

    Determines how to allocate element numbers in the mesh.

    ‘global’: numbers the elements without taking into account which group they belong to. Use this strategy if you are not sure whether an element belongs to more than one group. ‘group’: numbers the elements group-wise. This is much faster than the ‘global’ strategy, but use this option if you are sure that the groups of the mesh do not contain common elements.

    The default is ‘global’.


  • elements (ndarray) – Element-node connectivities in a 2D numpy array, in which each row corresponds to an element and the columns are the nodes of the elements. It is assumed that all the elements have the same number of nodes.

  • element_groups (dict) – The keys in the dictionary are the element group names, while the values are list of integers, giving the elements that belong to the particular group.


Currently, elements that do not fit into any groups are discarded.

See also

get_nodes(), change_node_numbering()


The element-node connectivities are read from the mesh. If you want to change the ordering of the nodes, use the change_node_numbering() function.

Both this and the get_nodes() function relies on getGroupsOnSpecifiedLev to obtain the groups based on a parameter, called meshDimRelToMaxExt. This parameter designates the relative dimension of the mesh entities whose IDs are required. If it is 1, it denotes the nodes. If 0, entities of the same dimension as the mesh are meant (e.g. group of volumes for a 3D mesh, or group of faces for a 2D mesh). When -1, entities of spatial dimension immediately below that of the mesh are collected (e.g. group of faces for a 3D mesh, or group of edges for a 2D mesh). For -2, entities of two dimensions below that of the mesh are fetched (e.g. group of edges for a 3D mesh).[source]

Obtains the nodes and the node groups of a mesh.


mesh (MEDFileUMesh) – Unstructured mesh.


  • nodes (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a node, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the nodes.

  • node_groups (dict) – The keys in the dictionary are the node group names, while the values are list of integers, giving the nodes that belong to the particular group.[source]

Reads a mesh file in .med format. Only one mesh, the first one, is supported. However, that mesh can contain groups.


filename (str) – Path to the mesh file.


MEDFileUMesh – Represents an unstructured mesh. For details, see the manual on


This module implements computational geometry algorithms, needed for other modules.

All the examples assume that the modules numpy and matplotlib.pyplot were imported as np and plt, respectively.



Data structure for a general mesh.


Unstructured triangular mesh.


Represents a polygon.


is_collinear(points[, tol])

Decides whether a set of points is collinear.

squared_distance(x, y)

Squared Euclidean distance between two points.


A symmetric square matrix, containing the pairwise squared Euclidean distances among points.

_polygon_area(x, y)

Computes the signed area of a non-self-intersecting, possibly concave, polygon.

class grains.geometry.Mesh(vertices, cells)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Data structure for a general mesh.

This class by no means wants to provide intricate functionalities and does not strive to be efficient at all. Its purpose is to give some useful features the project relies on. The two main entities in the mesh are the vertices and the cells. They are expected to be passed by the user, so reading from various mesh files is not implemented. This keeps the class simple, requires few package dependencies and keeps the class focused as there are powerful tools to convert among mesh formats (see e.g. meshio).

  • vertices (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a vertex, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the vertex.

  • cells (ndarray) – Cell-vertex connectivities in a 2D numpy array, in which each row corresponds to a cell and the columns are the vertices of the cells. It is assumed that all the cells have the same number of vertices.


Although not necessary, it is highly recommended that the local vertex numbering in the cells are the same, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Some methods, such as get_boundary() even requires it. If you are not sure whether the cells you provide have a consistent numbering, it is better to renumber them by calling the change_vertex_numbering() method.

static _ismatrix(array)[source]

Decides whether the input is a matrix.


array (ndarray) – Numpy array to be checked.


bool – True if the input is a 2D array. Otherwise, False.

See also


static _isvector(array)[source]

Decides whether the input is a vector.


array (ndarray) – Numpy array to be checked.


bool – True if the input is a 1D array or if it is a column or row vector. Otherwise, False.

See also


associate_field(vertex_values, name='field')[source]

Associates a scalar, vector or tensor field to the nodes.

Only one field can be present at a time. If you want to use a new field, call this method again with the new field values, which will replace the previous ones.

  • vertex_values (ndarray) – Field values at the nodes.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the field. If not given, it will be ‘field’.



create_cell_set(name, cells)[source]

Forms a group from a set of cells.

  • name (str) – Name of the cell set.

  • cells (list) – List of cells to be added to the set.



create_vertex_set(name, vertices)[source]

Forms a group from a set of vertices.

  • name (str) – Name of the vertex set.

  • vertices (list) – List of vertices to be added to the set.


Extracts the boundary of the mesh.

It is expected that all the cells have the same orientation, i.e. the cell vertices are consistently numbered (either clockwise or counter-clockwise). See the constructor for details.


  • boundary_vertices (ndarray) – Ordered 1D ndarray of vertices, the boundary vertices of the mesh.

  • boundary_edges (dict) – The keys of the returned dictionary are 2-tuples, representing the two vertices of the boundary edges, while the values are the list of cells containing a particular boundary edge. The dictionary is ordered: the consecutive keys represent the consecutive boundary edges. Although a boundary edge is part of a single cell, that cell is given in a list so as to maintain the same format as the one used in the get_edges() method.


The reason why consistent cell vertex numbering is demanded is because in that case the boundary edges are oriented in such a way that the second vertex of a boundary edge is the first vertex of the boundary edge it connects to.


Let us consider the same example mesh as the one described in the get_edges() method.

>>> mesh = TriMesh(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [0, 2], [0, 1], [1, 1]]),
...                np.array([[0, 1, 5], [4, 5, 3], [5, 4, 0], [2, 5, 1]]))

We extract the boundary of that mesh using

>>> bnd_vertices, bnd_edges = mesh.get_boundary()
>>> bnd_vertices
array([0, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4])
>>> bnd_edges
{(0, 1): [0], (1, 2): [3], (2, 5): [3], (5, 3): [1], (3, 4): [1], (4, 0): [2]}

Constructs edge-cell connectivities of the mesh.

The cells of the mesh do not necessarily have to have a consistent vertex numbering.


edges (dict) – The keys of the returned dictionary are 2-tuples, representing the two vertices of the edges, while the values are the list of cells containing a particular edge.


We traverse through the cells of the mesh, and within each cell the edges. The edges are stored as new entries in a dictionary if they are not already stored. Checking if a key exists in a dictionary is performed in O(1). The number of edges in a cell is independent of the mesh density. Therefore, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(N), where N is the number of cells in the mesh.

See also



We show an example for a triangular mesh (as the Mesh class is abstract).

>>> mesh = TriMesh(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [0, 2], [0, 1], [1, 1]]),
...                np.array([[0, 1, 5], [4, 5, 3], [5, 4, 0], [2, 5, 1]]))
>>> edges = mesh.get_edges()
>>> edges  
{(0, 1): [0], (1, 5): [0, 3], (5, 0): [0, 2], (4, 5): [1, 2], (5, 3): [1],
(3, 4): [1], (4, 0): [2], (2, 5): [3], (1, 2): [3]}
>>> mesh.plot(cell_labels=True, vertex_labels=True)
class grains.geometry.Polygon(vertices)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a polygon.

This class works as expected as long as the given polygon is simple, i.e. it is not self-intersecting and does not contain holes.

A simple class that has numpy and matplotlib (for the visualization) as the only dependencies. It does not want to provide extensive functionalities (for those, check out Shapely). The polygon is represented by its vertices, given in a consecutive order.


vertices (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a vertex, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the vertex.

  • Exception – If all the vertices of the polygon lie along the same line. If the polygon is not given in R^2.

  • ValueError – If the polygon does not have at least 3 vertices.


Try to give a “polygon”, in which all vertices are collinear

>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]]))  
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: All vertices are collinear. Not a valid polygon.

Now we give a valid polygon:

>>> pentagon = Polygon(np.array([[2, 1], [0, 0], [0.5, 3], [-1, 4], [3, 5]]))

Use Python’s print function to display basic information about a polygon:

>>> print(pentagon)
A non-convex polygon with 5 vertices, oriented clockwise.

Signed area of the polygon.

The signed area is computed by the shoelace formula 1

\[A = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N (x_i y_{i+1} - x_{i+1} y_i)\]

float – Signed area.




>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, 1]]))
>>> poly.area()
>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[-1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]))
>>> poly.area()

Centroid of the polygon.

The centroid is computed according to the following formula 2

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}C_x = \frac{1}{6A}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N (x_i + x_{i+1})(x_i y_{i+1} - x_{i+1} y_i)\\C_y = \frac{1}{6A}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N (y_i + y_{i+1})(x_i y_{i+1} - x_{i+1} y_i)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(A\) is the signed area determined by the area() method and \(x_i, y_i\) are the vertex coordinates with \(x_{N+1}=x_1\) and \(y_{N+1}=y_1\).


tuple – 2-tuple, the coordinates of the centroid.




>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]]))
>>> poly.centroid()
(0.5, 0.5)
>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[2, 1], [0, 0], [0.5, 3], [-1, 4], [3, 5]]))
>>> poly.centroid()  
(1.254..., 2.807...)

Diameter of the polygon.

Multiple definitions are supported for the diameter:

  • Diameter of a set. The polygon is considered as a set \(A\) of points comprised

of the polygon vertices. Let \((X,d)\) be a metric space. The diameter of the set is defined as

(1)\[\mathrm{diam}(A) = \sup\{ d(x,y)\ |\ x, y \in A\}.\]

Here, the Euclidean metric is used.

  • Equivalent diameter. Diameter of the circle of the same area as that of the polygon.


definition ({‘set’, ‘equivalent’}, optional) – The default is ‘set’.


float – Diameter of the polygon, based on the chosen definition.


When definition is ‘set’, computing the diameter by (1) is equivalent to determining the distance of the furthest points in the convex hull of \(A\). Therefore, the diameter will always be the distance between two points on the convex hull of \(A\). Then for each vertex of the hull finding which other hull vertex is farthest away from it, the rotating caliper algorithm can be used. Our brute-force method is simpler as it needs neither the convex hull nor the rotating caliper algorithm: all the pairwise distances among the polygon vertices are computed and the largest one is chosen. Pair of points a maximum distance apart. Since the polygons in our applications do not have that many vertices, this simplistic approach is a viable alternative.


>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[2, 5], [0, 1], [4, 3], [4, 5]]))
>>> poly.diameter('set')  
>>> poly.diameter('equivalent')  
>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[2, 1], [3, -4], [-1, -1], [-4, -2], [-3, 0]]))
>>> poly.diameter('set')  
>>> poly.diameter('equivalent')  

Decides whether the polygon is convex.


bool – True if the polygon is convex. False otherwise.


The algorithm works by checking if all pairs of consecutive edges in the polygon are either all clockwise or all counter-clockwise oriented. This method is valid only for simple polygons. The implementation follows this code, extended for the case when two consecutive edges are collinear. If the polygon was not simple, a more complicated algorithm would be needed, see e.g. here.


A triangle is always convex:

>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]))
>>> poly.is_convex()

Let us define a concave deltoid:

>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[-1, -1], [0, 1], [1, -1], [0, 5]]))
>>> poly.is_convex()

Give a polygon that has two collinear edges:

>>> poly = Polygon(np.array([[0.5, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]))
>>> poly.is_convex()

Orientation of the polygon.


str – ‘cw’ if the polygon has clockwise orientation, ‘ccw’ if counter-clockwise.

plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the polygon.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the polygon resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.

Other Parameters
  • show_axes (bool, optional) – If True, the coordinate system is shown. The default is True.

  • vertex_labels (bool, optional) – If True, vertex labels are shown. The default is False.

  • args, kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments and keyword arguments to be specified. Those arguments are the ones supported by matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot().




Consider the pentagon used in the example of the constructor. Plot it in black with red diamond symbols representing its vertices. Moreover, display the vertex numbers and do not show the coordinate system.

>>> pentagon = Polygon(np.array([[2, 1], [0, 0], [0.5, 3], [-1, 4], [3, 5]]))
>>> pentagon.plot('k-d', vertex_labels=True, markerfacecolor='r', show_axes=False)
plot_options = {'ax': None, 'show_axes': True, 'vertex_labels': False}
class grains.geometry.TriMesh(vertices, cells)[source]

Bases: grains.geometry.Mesh

Unstructured triangular mesh.

Vertices and cells are both stored as numpy arrays. This makes the simple mesh manipulations easy and provides interoperability with the whole scientific Python stack.

  • vertices (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a vertex, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the vertex.

  • cells (ndarray) – Cell-vertex connectivities in a 2D numpy array, in which each row corresponds to a cell and the columns are the vertices of the cells. It is assumed that all the cells have the same number of vertices.


Computes the area of a cell.


cell (int) – Cell label.


area (float) – Area of the cell.

See also



Computes the area of a cell set.


cell_set (str) – Name of the cell set.


area (float) – Area of the cell set.

See also



Creates a mesh from a cell set.

The cell orientation is preserved. I.e. if the cells had a consistent orientation (clockwise or counter-clockwise), the cells of the new mesh inherit this property.


cell_set (str) – Name of the cell set being used to construct the new mesh. The cell set must be present in the cell_sets member variable of the current mesh object.


TriMesh – A new TriMesh object, based on the selected cell set of the original mesh.


The implementation is based on


>>> mesh = TriMesh(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]]),
...                np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2]]))
>>> mesh.create_cell_set('set', [1])
>>> new_mesh = mesh.cell_set_to_mesh('set')
>>> new_mesh.cells  # note that the vertices have been relabelled
array([[0, 2, 1]])
>>> new_mesh.vertices
array([[1, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [1, 1]])
>>> new_mesh.plot(cell_labels=True, vertex_labels=True)
change_vertex_numbering(orientation, inplace=False)[source]

Changes cell vertex numbering.

  • orientation ({‘ccw’, ‘cw’}) – Vertex numbering within a cell, either ‘ccw’ (counter-clockwise, default) or ‘cw’ (clock-wise).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If True, the vertex ordering is updated in the mesh object. The default is False.


reordered_cells (ndarray) – Same format as the cells member variable, with the requested vertex ordering.


Supposed to be used with planar P1 or Q1 finite s.


>>> mesh = TriMesh(np.array([[1, 1], [3, 5], [7,3]]), np.array([0, 1, 2]))
>>> mesh.change_vertex_numbering('ccw')
array([[2, 1, 0]])
plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the mesh.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the mesh resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.

Other Parameters
  • cell_sets, vertex_sets (bool, optional) – If True, the cell/vertex sets (if exist) are highlighted in random colors. The default is True.

  • cell_legends, vertex_legends (bool, optional) – If True, cell/vertex set legends are shown. The default is False. For many sets, it is recommended to leave these options as False, otherwise the plotting becomes very slow.

  • cell_labels, vertex_labels (bool, optional) – If True, cell/vertex labels are shown. The default is False. Recommended to be left False in case of many cells/vertices. Cell labels are positioned in the centroids of the cells.

  • args, kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments and keyword arguments to be specified. Those arguments are the ones supported by matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot().




If you do not want to plot the cells, only the vertices, pass the '.' option, e.g.:


to plot the vertices in black. Here, mesh is a TriMesh object.


A sample mesh is constructed by creating uniformly randomly distributed points on the rectangular domain [-1, 1] x [1, 2]. These points will constitute the vertices of the mesh, while its cells are the Delaunay triangles on the vertices.

>>> from grains.geometry import TriMesh
>>> msh = TriMesh(*TriMesh.sample_mesh(1))

The cells are drawn in greeen, in 3 points of line width, and the vertices of the mesh are shown in blue.

>>> msh.plot('go-', linewidth=3, markerfacecolor='b', vertex_labels=True)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



The plotting is done by calling triplot(), which internally makes a deep copy of the triangles. This increases the memory usage in case of many elements.

plot_field(component, *args, show_mesh=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a field on the mesh.

The aim of this method is to support basic post-processing for finite element visualization. Only the basic contour plot type is available. For vector or tensor fields, the components to be plotted must be chosen. For faster and more comprehensive plotting capabilities, turn to well-established scientific visualization software, such as ParaView or Mayavi. Another limitation of the plot_field() method is that field values are assumed to be associated to the vertices of the mesh, which restricts us to \(P1\) Lagrange elements.

  • component (int) – Positive integer, the selected component of the field to be plotted. Components are indexed from 0.

  • show_mesh (bool, optional) – If True, the underlying mesh is shown. The default is True.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the plot resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.

Other Parameters

See them described in the :meth:`plot` method.



See also



The following example considers the same type of mesh as in the example shown for plot().

>>> msh = TriMesh(*TriMesh.sample_mesh(1))

We pretend that the field is an analytical function, evaluated at the vertices.

>>> field = lambda x, y: 1 - (x + y**2) * np.sign(x)
>>> field = field(msh.vertices[:, 0], msh.vertices[:, 1])

We associate this field to the mesh and plot it with and without the mesh

>>> msh.associate_field(field, 'analytical field')
>>> _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> msh.plot_field(0, 'bo-', ax=ax1, linewidth=1, markerfacecolor='k')
>>> msh.plot_field(0, ax=ax2, show_mesh=False)
plot_options = {'ax': None, 'cell_labels': False, 'cell_legends': False, 'cell_sets': True, 'vertex_labels': False, 'vertex_legends': False, 'vertex_sets': True}
rotate(angle, point=(0, 0), inplace=False)[source]

Rotates a 2D mesh about a given point by a given angle.

  • angle (float) – Angle of rotation, in radians.

  • point (list or tuple, optional) – Coordinates of the point about which the mesh is rotated. If not given, it is the origin.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If True, the vertex positions are updated in the mesh object. The default is False.


rotated_vertices (ndarray) – Same format as the vertices member variable, with the requested rotation.


Rotating a point \(P\) given by its coordinates in the global coordinate system as \(P(x,y)\) around a point \(A(x,y)\) by an angle \(\alpha\) is done as follows.

1. The coordinates of \(P\) in the local coordinate system, the origin of which is \(A\), is expressed as

\[P(x',y') = P(x,y) - A(x,y).\]

2. The rotation is performed in the local coordinate system as \(P'(x',y') = RP(x',y')\), where \(R\) is the rotation matrix:

\[\begin{split}R = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\alpha & -\sin\alpha \\ \sin\alpha & \hphantom{-}\cos\alpha \end{pmatrix}.\end{split}\]
  1. The rotated point \(P'\) is expressed in the original (global) coordinate system:

\[P'(x,y) = P'(x',y') + A(x,y).\]
static sample_mesh(sample, param=100)[source]

Provides sample meshes.

  • sample (int) – Integer, giving the sample mesh to be considered. Possibilities:

  • param – Parameters to the sample meshes. Possibilities:


  • nodes (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a vertex, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices.

  • cells (ndarray) – Cell-vertex connectivity in a 2D numpy array, in which each row corresponds to a cell and the columns are the vertices of the cells. It is assumed that all the cells have the same number of vertices.

scale(factor, inplace=False)[source]

Scales the geometry by modifying the coordinates of the vertices.

  • factor (float) – Each vertex coordinate is multiplied by this non-negative number.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If True, the vertex positions are updated in the mesh object. The default is False.




Writes the mesh to an Abaqus .inp file.


filename (str) – Path to the mesh file.



grains.geometry._polygon_area(x, y)[source]

Computes the signed area of a non-self-intersecting, possibly concave, polygon.

Directly taken from


x, y (list) – Coordinates of the consecutive vertices of the polygon.


float – Area of the polygon.


If numpy vectors are passed as inputs, the resulting area is incorrect! WHY?


The code is not optimized for speed and for numerical stability. Intended to be used to compute the area of finite element cells, in which case the numerical stability is not an issue (unless the cell is degenerate). As this function is called possibly as many times as the number of cells in the mesh, no input checking is performed.


>>> _polygon_area([0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1])

A symmetric square matrix, containing the pairwise squared Euclidean distances among points.


points (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a point, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the points.


dm (ndarray) – Distance matrix.


>>> points = np.array([[1, 1], [3, 0], [-1, -1]])
>>> distance_matrix(points)
array([[ 0.,  5.,  8.],
       [ 5.,  0., 17.],
       [ 8., 17.,  0.]])
grains.geometry.is_collinear(points, tol=None)[source]

Decides whether a set of points is collinear.

Works in any dimensions.

  • points (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with N columns, each row corresponding to a point, and the N columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the point.

  • tol (float, optional) – Tolerance value passed to numpy’s matrix_rank function. This tolerance gives the threshold below which SVD values are considered zero.


bool – True for collinear points.


The algorithm for three points is from Tim Davis.


Two points are always collinear

>>> is_collinear(np.array([[1, 0], [1, 5]]))

Three points in 3D which are supposed to be collinear (returns false due to numerical error)

>>> is_collinear(np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [5, 5, 5]]), tol=0)

The previous example with looser tolerance

>>> is_collinear(np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [5, 5, 5]]), tol=1e-14)
grains.geometry.squared_distance(x, y)[source]

Squared Euclidean distance between two points.

For points \(x(x_1, ..., x_n)\) and \(y(y_1, ... y_n)\) the following metric is computed

\[\sum\limits_{i=1}^n (x_i - y_i)^2\]

x, y (ndarray) – 1D numpy array, containing the coordinates of the two points.


float – Squared Euclidean distance.


>>> squared_distance(np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 1, 1]))



This module will substantially be rewritten. See this issue.

This module allows to create and manipulate Abaqus input files through the Abaqus keywords, thereby providing automation. Note that it is not intended to be a complete API to Abaqus. If you want fine control over the whole Abaqus ecosystem, consult with the Abaqus Scripting Reference Guide (ASRG). However, ASRG needs Abaqus to be installed, moreover, you must use the Python interpreter embedded into Abaqus. That version of Python is very old even in the latest versions of Abaqus. Furthermore, if you need to use custom Python packages for your work, chances are high that they will not work with the embedded interpreter, and may even crash the installation. To use this module, no Abaqus installation is needed. In fact, only functions from the Python standard library are used.

The documentation of Abaqus version 2017 is hosted on the following website: Throughout the documentation of this module (grains.abaqus), we will make references to that website. If the links cease to exist, please let me know by opening an issue. Alternatively, once you have registered, you can browse the documentation on the official website.



Geometrical operations on the mesh.


Adds, removes, modifies materials.


Handling analysis steps during the simulation.



Obtains Abaqus keyword and its parameters.

validate_file(file, caller)

Input or output file validation.

class grains.abaqus.Geometry[source]

Bases: object

Geometrical operations on the mesh.

Formats the material data in the Abaqus .inp format.

The internal representation of the material data in converted to a string understood by Abaqus.


List of strings, each element of the list corresponding to a line (with

line ending) in the Abaqus .inp file. In case of no

material, an empty list is returned.

The output is a list so that further concatenation operations are easy. If you want a string, merge the elements of the list:

output = ‘’.join(output)

This is what the show method does.


Reads material data from an Abaqus .inp file.


inp_file (str) – Abaqus input (.inp) file to be created.




  • This method is designed to read material data. Although the logic could be used to process other properties (parts, assemblies, etc.) in an input file, they are not yet implemented in this class.

  • This method assumes that the input file is valid. If it is, the material data can be extacted. If not, the behavior is undefined: the program can crash or return garbage. This is by design: the single responsibility principle dictates that the validity of the input file must be provided by other methods. If the input file was generated from within Abaqus CAE, it is guaranteed to be valid. The write method of this class also ensures that the resulting input file is valid. This design choice also makes the program logic simpler. For valid syntax in the input file, check the Input Syntax Rules section in the Abaqus user’s guide.

  • To read material data from an input file, one has to identify the structure of .inp files in Abaqus. Abaqus is driven by keywords and corresponding data. For a list of accepted keywords, consult the Abaqus Keywords Reference Guide. There are three types of input lines in Abaqus:

    • keyword line: begins with a star, followed by the name of the keyword. Parameters, if any, are separated by commas and are given as parameter-value pairs. Keywords and parameters are not case sensitive. Example:


      Some keywords can only be defined once another keyword has already been defined. E.g. the keyword ELASTIC must come after MATERIAL in a valid .inp file.

    • data line: immediately follows a keyword line. All data items must be separated by commas. Example:

      -12.345, 0.01, 5.2E-2, -1.2345E1

    • comment line: starts with ** and is ignored by Abaqus. Example:

      ** This is a comment line

  • Internally, the materials are stored in a dictionary. It holds the material data read from the file. The keys in this dictionary are the names of the materials, and the values are dictionaries themselves. Each such dictionary stores a behavior for the given material. E.g. an elastoplastic material is governed by an elastic and a plastic behavior. The parameters for each behavior are stored in a list.


Scales the geometry by modifying the coordinates of the nodes.


factor (float) – Each nodal coordinate is multiplied by this non-negative number.




The modification happens in-place.


Writes material data to an Abaqus .inp file.


output_file (str, optional) – Output file name to write the modifications into. If not given, the original file name is appended with ‘_mod’.




  • If the output file name is the same as the input file, the original .inp file will be overwritten. This is strongly not recommended.

  • The whole content of the original input file is read to memory. It might be a problem for very large .inp files. In that case, a possible implementation could be the following:

    1. Remove old material data

    2. Append new material data to the proper position in the file

    Appending is automatically done at the end of the file. Moving the material description to the end of the file is not possible in general because defining materials cannot be done from any module, i.e. the *MATERIAL keyword cannot follow an arbitrary keyword. In this case, Abaqus throws an AbaqusException with the following message:

    It can be suboption for the following keyword(s)/level(s): model

class grains.abaqus.Material(from_Abaqus=False)[source]

Bases: object

Adds, removes, modifies materials. Requirements: be able to - create an empty .inp file, containing only the materials - add materials to an existing .inp file

TODO: only document public attributes! .. attribute:: materials

materials, their behaviors and their parameters are stored here. Intended for internal representation. To view them, use the show method, to write them to an input file, use the write method.




Reads material data from an Abaqus .inp file.


Writes material data to an Abaqus .inp file.

remove(inp_file, output_file=None)[source]

Removes material definitions from an Abaqus .inp file.


Creates empty Abaqus .inp file.


Shows material data as it appears in the Abaqus .inp file.


The aim of this class is to programmatically add, remove, modify materials in a format understandable by Abaqus. This class does not target editing materials through a GUI (that can be done in Abaqus CAE).

Formats the material data in the Abaqus .inp format.

The internal representation of the material data in converted to a string understood by Abaqus.


List of strings, each element of the list corresponding to a line (with

line ending) in the Abaqus .inp file. In case of no

material, an empty list is returned.

The output is a list so that further concatenation operations are easy. If you want a string, merge the elements of the list:

output = ‘’.join(output)

This is what the show method does.

static _Material__isnumeric(x)

Decides if the input is a scalar number.


x (any type) – Input to be tested.


bool – True if the given object is a scalar number.

add_linearelastic(material, E, nu)[source]

Adds linear elastic behavior to a given material.

  • material (str) – Name of the material the behavior belongs to.

  • E (int, float) – Young’s modulus.

  • nu (int, float) – Poisson’s ratio.




Defines a new material by its name.


material (str) – Name of the material to be added. A material can have multiple behaviors (e.g. elastoplastic).



add_plastic(material, sigma_y, epsilon_p)[source]

Adds metal plasticity behavior to a given material.

  • material (str) – Name of the material the behavior belongs to.

  • sigma_y (int, float) – Yield stress.

  • epsilon_p (int, float) – Plastic strain.



static add_sections(inp_file, output_file=None)[source]

Adds section definitions to an Abaqus .inp file.

Defines properties for elements by associating materials to them. The element set containing the elements for which the material behavior is being defined is assumed to have the same name as that of the material. E.g. if materials with names mat-1 and mat-2 exist, element sets with names mat-1 and mat-2 must also exist. If such element sets do not exist, Abaqus will throw a warning and the section assignment will not be successful.

  • inp_file (str) – Abaqus .inp file from which the materials should be removed.

  • output_file (str, optional) – Output file name to write the modifications into. If not given, the original file name is appended with ‘_mod’.




If fine control is required for associating custom material names to custom element set names, that can be done from the Abaqus GUI. The purpose of this method is automation for large number of element sets, each associated to a (possibly distinct) material. In that case, custom element set names are not reasonable any more, and having the same names for the element sets and for the materials is completely meaningful.


Creates empty Abaqus .inp file.


inp_file (str) – Abaqus input file to be created. If an extension is not given, the default .inp is used.




Reads material data from an Abaqus .inp file.


inp_file (str) – Abaqus input (.inp) file to be created.




  • This method is designed to read material data. Although the logic could be used to process other properties (parts, assemblies, etc.) in an input file, they are not yet implemented in this class.

  • This method assumes that the input file is valid. If it is, the material data can be extacted. If not, the behavior is undefined: the program can crash or return garbage. This is by design: the single responsibility principle dictates that the validity of the input file must be provided by other methods. If the input file was generated from within Abaqus CAE, it is guaranteed to be valid. The write method of this class also ensures that the resulting input file is valid. This design choice also makes the program logic simpler. For valid syntax in the input file, check the Input Syntax Rules section in the Abaqus user’s guide.

  • To read material data from an input file, one has to identify the structure of .inp files in Abaqus. Abaqus is driven by keywords and corresponding data. For a list of accepted keywords, consult the Abaqus Keywords Reference Guide. There are three types of input lines in Abaqus:

    • keyword line: begins with a star, followed by the name of the keyword. Parameters, if any, are separated by commas and are given as parameter-value pairs. Keywords and parameters are not case sensitive. Example:


      Some keywords can only be defined once another keyword has already been defined. E.g. the keyword ELASTIC must come after MATERIAL in a valid .inp file.

    • data line: immediately follows a keyword line. All data items must be separated by commas. Example:

      -12.345, 0.01, 5.2E-2, -1.2345E1

    • comment line: starts with ** and is ignored by Abaqus. Example:

      ** This is a comment line

  • Internally, the materials are stored in a dictionary. It holds the material data read from the file. The keys in this dictionary are the names of the materials, and the values are dictionaries themselves. Each such dictionary stores a behavior for the given material. E.g. an elastoplastic material is governed by an elastic and a plastic behavior. The parameters for each behavior are stored in a list.

static remove(inp_file, output_file=None)[source]

Removes material definitions from an Abaqus .inp file.

  • inp_file (str) – Abaqus .inp file from which the materials should be removed.

  • output_file (str, optional) – Output file name to write the modifications into. If not given, the original file name is appended with ‘_mod’.




Shows material data as it appears in the Abaqus .inp file.




Writes material data to an Abaqus .inp file.


output_file (str, optional) – Output file name to write the modifications into. If not given, the original file name is appended with ‘_mod’.




  • If the output file name is the same as the input file, the original .inp file will be overwritten. This is strongly not recommended.

  • The whole content of the original input file is read to memory. It might be a problem for very large .inp files. In that case, a possible implementation could be the following:

    1. Remove old material data

    2. Append new material data to the proper position in the file

    Appending is automatically done at the end of the file. Moving the material description to the end of the file is not possible in general because defining materials cannot be done from any module, i.e. the *MATERIAL keyword cannot follow an arbitrary keyword. In this case, Abaqus throws an AbaqusException with the following message:

    It can be suboption for the following keyword(s)/level(s): model

class grains.abaqus.Procedure(from_Abaqus=False)[source]

Bases: object

Handling analysis steps during the simulation.

TODO: only document public attributes!


analysis steps, each step collecting the necessary information. Intended for internal representation. To view them, use the show() method, to write them to an input file, use the write() method.



Formats the data in the Abaqus .inp format.

The internal representation of the steps data in converted to a string understood by Abaqus.


List of strings, each element of the list corresponding to a line (with

line ending)

in the Abaqus .inp file. In case of no data, an empty list is returned.

The output is a list so that further concatenation operations are easy. If you want a string, merge the elements of the list: output = ''.join(output) This is what the show() method does.

add_analysis(step, time_period=1.0, initial_increment=None, min_increment=0, max_increment=None)[source]

Adds an analysis type to a given step.


Currently only static stress/displacement analysis is supported, indicated by the STATIC Abaqus keyword. No optional parameters are supported.


Check user inputs. Define exceptions (ValueError class) with the error messages Abaqus CAE throws.

  • step (str) – Name of the step the analysis type belongs to.

  • initial_increment (float, optional) – Initial time increment. This value will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used. If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value that is equal to the total time period of the step is assumed.

  • time_period (float, optional) – Time period of the step. The default is 1.0.

  • min_increment (float, optional) – Only used for automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS/Standard finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is terminated. If this entry is zero, a default value of the smaller of the suggested initial time increment or 1e–5 times the total time period is assumed.

  • max_increment (float, optional) – Maximum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed, i.e. max_increment = time_period.




>>> proc = Procedure()
>>> proc.create_step('Step-1', max_increments=1000)
>>> proc.add_analysis('Step-1', initial_increment=0.001, min_increment=1e-8)
add_boundary_condition(name, step, nodes, first_dof, last_dof=None, magnitude=0.0)[source]

Adds boundary condition to a given step.

Boundary conditions can be prescribed on node sets, using the Abaqus keyword BOUNDARY. Optional parameters are not supported.

Multiple boundary conditions can be given on the same node set. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the constraints are compatible.


Currently, boundary conditions can only be defined in a user-defined step, and not in the initial step.

  • name (str) – Name of the boundary condition to be added. Boundary condition names must be unique.

  • step (str) – Name of the step the boundary condition belongs to.

  • nodes (str or int) – If a string, the label of the node set, if a positive integer, the label of a single node on which the boundary condition is prescribed.

  • first_dof (int) – First degree of freedom constrained.

  • last_dof (int, optional) – Last degree of freedom constrained. Not necessary to be given if only one degree of freedom is being constrained.

  • magnitude (float) – Magnitude of the variable. If this magnitude is a rotation, it must be given in radians. The default value is 1.0.




Let us consider a two-dimensional structure, fixed on a part of its boundary (called ‘left’), and displaced on another part (called ‘right’). First, we create an analysis step (named ‘Step-1’).

>>> proc = Procedure()
>>> proc.create_step('Step-1', max_increments=1000)

Now, we prescribe the zero displacements.

>>> proc.add_boundary_condition('fixed', 'Step-1', 'left', first_dof=1, last_dof=2)

Since we did not specify the magnitude of the displacement components, they are zero by default. The other boundary condition prescribes different values for the horizontal and vertical components. Hence, they are given separately.

>>> proc.add_boundary_condition('pulled_right', 'Step-1', 'right', first_dof=1, magnitude=2)
>>> proc.add_boundary_condition('fixed_right', 'Step-1', 'right', first_dof=2, magnitude=0)

Note that we can also prescribe boundary conditions at a particular node, e.g.

>>> proc.add_boundary_condition('at_node', 'Step-1', 1, first_dof=2, magnitude=-1.2)

where we set the vertical displacement component to -1.2 at node 1.

create_step(name, nlgeom=False, max_increments=100)[source]

Defines a new step.

A step is the fundamental part of the simulation workflow in Abaqus. Among the available options, only the NLGEOM and INC options are supported currently.


Check in the write() method whether every step contains an analysis, as this is required by Abaqus.

  • name (str) – Name of the analysis step to be added. Step names must be unique.

  • nlgeom (bool, optional) – Omit this parameter or set to False to perform a geometrically linear analysis during the current step. Set it to True to indicate that geometric nonlinearity should be accounted for during the step. Once the nlgeom option has been switched on, it will be active during all subsequent steps in the analysis. The default is False.

  • max_increments (int) – The analysis will stop if the maximum number of increments is exceeded before the complete solution for the step has been obtained. The default is 100.




Reads procedure data from an Abaqus .inp file.


inp_file (str) – Abaqus input (.inp) file to be created.




  • This method is designed to read material data. Although the logic could be used to process other properties (parts, assemblies, etc.) in an input file, they are not yet implemented in this class.

  • This method assumes that the input file is valid. If it is, the material data can be extacted. If not, the behavior is undefined: the program can crash or return garbage. This is by design: the single responsibility principle dictates that the validity of the input file must be provided by other methods. If the input file was generated from within Abaqus CAE, it is guaranteed to be valid. The write method of this class also ensures that the resulting input file is valid. This design choice also makes the program logic simpler. For valid syntax in the input file, check the Input Syntax Rules section in the Abaqus user’s guide.

  • To read material data from an input file, one has to identify the structure of .inp files in Abaqus. Abaqus is driven by keywords and corresponding data. For a list of accepted keywords, consult the Abaqus Keywords Reference Guide. There are three types of input lines in Abaqus:

    • keyword line: begins with a star, followed by the name of the keyword. Parameters, if any, are separated by commas and are given as parameter-value pairs. Keywords and parameters are not case sensitive. Example:


      Some keywords can only be defined once another keyword has already been defined. E.g. the keyword ELASTIC must come after MATERIAL in a valid .inp file.

    • data line: immediately follows a keyword line. All data items must be separated by commas. Example:

      -12.345, 0.01, 5.2E-2, -1.2345E1

    • comment line: starts with ** and is ignored by Abaqus. Example:

      ** This is a comment line

  • Internally, the materials are stored in a dictionary. It holds the material data read from the file. The keys in this dictionary are the names of the materials, and the values are dictionaries themselves. Each such dictionary stores a behavior for the given material. E.g. an elastoplastic material is governed by an elastic and a plastic behavior. The parameters for each behavior are stored in a list.


Shows the text for the step module, as it appears in the Abaqus .inp file.




Writes step definition data to an Abaqus .inp file.


output_file (str, optional) – Output file name to write the modifications into. If not given, the original file name is appended with ‘_mod’.




  • If the output file name is the same as the input file, the original .inp file will be overwritten. This is strongly not recommended.

  • The whole content of the original input file is read to memory. It might be a problem for very large .inp files. In that case, a possible implementation could be the following:

    1. Remove old material data

    2. Append new material data to the proper position in the file

    Appending is automatically done at the end of the file. Moving the material description to the end of the file is not possible in general because defining materials cannot be done from any module, i.e. the *MATERIAL keyword cannot follow an arbitrary keyword. In this case, Abaqus throws an AbaqusException with the following message:

    It can be suboption for the following keyword(s)/level(s): model


Obtains Abaqus keyword and its parameters.


keyword (str) –

Some examples:

*Elastic, type=ORTHOTROPIC’ ‘*Damage Initiation, criterion=HASHIN’ ‘*Nset, nset=Set-1, generate’


separated (list) – DESCRIPTION.

grains.abaqus.validate_file(file, caller)[source]

Input or output file validation.

  • file (str) – Existing Abaqus .inp file or a new .inp file to be created.

  • caller ({‘read’, ‘write’, ‘create’}) – Method name that called this function.




This module is used to process field values obtained by digital image correlation (DIC). Plotting, comparison with numerical solutions, etc. are implemented.



Performs operations on digital image correlation data.


plot_strain(strain[, minval, maxval, …])

Plots a scalar strain field.

class grains.dic.DIC(u, v)[source]

Bases: object

Performs operations on digital image correlation data.


u, v (ndarray) – The two components of the displacement field, discretized on a rectangular grid.


ValueError – If the displacement components are not discretized on the same grid or if the grid size is not at least 3-by-3. This latter requirement is not a problem in practice (which camera is not capable of shooting photos in 9 pixels resolution?), while it allows the evaluation of the numerical derivatives with second order accuracy on the boundaries too.


Throughout the class methods, the following terms are used. When not precised, image refers to the DIC data plotted as an image. We can perceive the image as a pixel grid, in which the vertices are the centres of the pixels. An image coordinate system \((X,Y)\) can be defined on this grid such that the vertices have integer coordinates, the origin \(A\) is at the top left hand corner, and the \(Y\)-axis points towards the right, while the \(X\)-axis points to the bottom. When the experimental result is compared with a numerical solution (assumed to be available at the nodes of a mesh), one needs to map values defined on the DIC grid onto the nodes of the mesh, and vice versa. The mesh exists on the physical domain, for which a physical coordinate system \((x,y)\) is attached to. Hence, there is a need to express \((X,Y)\) in terms of \((x,y)\). Let \(A(a_x,a_y)\) be the origin of the \((X,Y)\) coordinate system given in terms of the \(x,y\) coordinates, and \(s[\mathrm{pixel/mm}]\) is the scale for the DIC image. The coordinate transformation is then given by

\[\begin{split}\begin{gather} x = a_x + \frac{Y}{s} \\ y = a_y - \frac{X}{s} \end{gather}\end{split}\]

The DIC grid in the physical coordinate system \((x,y)\) is called physical grid.

It should be noted that the special alignment of \((x,y)\) with respect to \((X,Y)\) is not a major constraint. In practical applications (when a Cartesian coordinate system is used), the orientation of \((x,y)\) in this way is a convention.

static equivalent_strain(strain_tensor, strain_measure)[source]

Computes a scalar quantity from the strain tensor.

  • strain_tensor (ndarray) – Components of the strain tensor \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\) as an \(m \times n \times 3\) array. The first two dimensions correspond to the grid points they are determined at, the third dimension gives the components of the tensor in the following order: \(\varepsilon_{11}, \varepsilon_{12}, \varepsilon_{22}\).

  • strain_measure ({‘von Mises’}) – One of the following strain measures.

    • ‘von Mises’

      \[\varepsilon_M := \sqrt{\frac{2}{3} \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{dev}} : \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{dev}}} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{3} \left( \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}:\boldsymbol{\varepsilon} - \frac{1}{3}(\mathrm{tr} \boldsymbol{\varepsilon})^2 \right)}\]

      where \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}^{\mathrm{dev}}\) is the deviatoric part of the strain tensor. This can further be simplified (see the notes below) to

      \[\varepsilon_M = \frac{2}{3}\sqrt{\varepsilon_{11}^2 + \varepsilon_{22}^2 + 3\varepsilon_{12}^2 - \varepsilon_{11}\varepsilon_{22}}\]

ndarray – Equivalent strain at the grid points, given as an \(m \times n\) numpy array.

See also



Under plane stress conditions, \(\varepsilon_{33}\) is not zero, but it is computed as

\[\varepsilon_{33} = -\frac{\nu}{E}(\sigma_{11} + \sigma_{22})\]

Since the stresses are not known from the DIC, one must settle with plane strain conditions where \(\varepsilon_{33} = 0\). This is what we follow in the DIC class. We remark that in stereo-DIC multiple cameras are used, which allows the measurement of \(\varepsilon_{33}\).

plot_displacement(component, ax=None)[source]

Plots a component of the displacement field.

  • component ({1, 2}) – Component to be plotted, where 1 corresponds to the first, 2 corresponds to the second component of the displacement field.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the grid resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.



See also



Plots the DIC grid in the physical coordinate system.

This method is only available once the relation between the image coordinate system and the physical coordinate system has been set up by the set_transformation() method.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the grid resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes)

See also



See in the plot_pixelgrid() method.


Plots the DIC grid in the image coordinate system.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The Axes instance the grid resides in. The default is None, in which case a new Axes within a new figure is created.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes)


For a DIC image with \(m \times n\) number of pixels, the number of grid lines is \((m + 1) + (n + 1)\). Plotting all these lines would not only slow down the program, it would also make the grid practically indistinguishable from a filled rectangle. Therefore, for high resolution images, only grid lines around the boundary of the image are plotted. The target resolution above which this strategy is used can be given in the class constructor.

plot_strain(component, minval=None, maxval=None, colorbar=True)[source]

Plots a component of the infinitesimal strain tensor.

The partial derivatives of the displacement field are computed with numerical differentiation.

  • component (tuple, {(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)}) – Component to be plotted, where

    • (1,1) denotes \(\varepsilon_{11}\)

    • (1,2) and (2,1) denote \(\varepsilon_{12} = \varepsilon_{21}\)

    • (2,2) denotes \(\varepsilon_{22}\)

    for the infinitesimal strain tensor

    \[\begin{split}\varepsilon = \begin{pmatrix} \varepsilon_{11} & \varepsilon_{12} \\ \varepsilon_{21} & \varepsilon_{22} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
  • minval, maxval (float, optional) – Set the color scaling for the image by fixing the values that map to the colormap color limits. If minval is not provided, the limit is determined from the minimum value of the data. Similarly for maxval.

  • colorbar (bool, optional) – If True, a horizontal colorbar is placed below the strain map. The default is True.



Deprecated since version 1.1.0: This will be removed in 1.3.0. This method will be modified to perform the plotting only. The computation of the various strain measures will be done in the strain() method. The function that replaces this function will keep the same name and is currently implemented outside this class.

plot_superimposedmesh(mesh, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the DIC grid with a mesh superimposed on it.

Since the finite element mesh represents a physical domain, the DIC grid is plotted in the physical coordinate system, which is determined by the set_transformation() method.


Maybe no need to couple this module with the geometry module just for the sake of this function. It is probably easier to simply pass the nodes and the elements, and call triplot.


ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The Axes object on which the plot is drawn.


Let us create a grid and a random mesh (the same as in the Examples section of the project_onto_mesh()).

>>> from grains.dic import DIC
>>> from grains.geometry import TriMesh
>>> x_grid, y_grid = np.mgrid[-1:1:100j, 1:2:50j]
>>> exact_solution = lambda x, y: 1 - (x + y**2) * np.sign(x)
>>> grid = DIC(np.random.rand(*np.shape(x_grid.T)), np.random.rand(*np.shape(x_grid.T)))
>>> grid.set_transformation((-1, 2), 50)
>>> n_nodes = 100  # modify this to see how good the interpolated solution is
>>> msh = TriMesh(*TriMesh.sample_mesh(1, n_nodes))
>>> grid.plot_superimposedmesh(msh, linewidth=3, markerfacecolor='b')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

project_onto_grid(nodes, nodal_values, method='linear')[source]

Project a numerically computed field onto the DIC grid.


Use the example code of this method to create the plotting method of this class. When done, rewrite the example with the methods.

  • nodes (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a node of the mesh, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the nodes.

  • nodal_values (ndarray) – 1D numpy array (vector), the numerically computed field at the nodes of the mesh.

  • method ({‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’}, optional) – Type of the interpolation. The default is linear.


ndarray – 2D numpy array, the projected field values at the physical DIC grid points.


The DIC grid and the nodal finite element values (interpolated in-between, which is an errenous way to visualize discontinuous functions) can be seen in the upper left and lower left figures, respectively.

>>> from grains.dic import DIC
>>> from grains.geometry import TriMesh
>>> x_grid, y_grid = np.mgrid[-1:1:100j, 1:2:50j]
>>> exact_solution = lambda x, y: 1 - (x + y**2) * np.sign(x)
>>> grid = DIC(exact_solution(x_grid, y_grid).T, exact_solution(x_grid,y_grid).T)
>>> grid.set_transformation((-1, 2), 50)

The finite element solution is obtained at the nodes (upper right figure) of the mesh. Here, we assumed that the nodes are sampled from a uniformly random distribution on \([-1,1] \times [1, 2]\).

>>> n_nodes = 100  # modify this to see how good the interpolated solution is

For the sake of this example, we also assume that the nodal values are “exact”, i.e. they admit the function values at the nodes. In reality, of course, this will not be the case, but this allows us to investigate the effect moving from the FE mesh to the DIC grid.

>>> mesh = TriMesh(*TriMesh.sample_mesh(1, n_nodes))
>>> fe_values = exact_solution(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1])
>>> mesh.associate_field(fe_values)
>>> interpolated = grid.project_onto_grid(mesh.vertices, fe_values, method='linear')

The FE field available at the nodes are interpolated at the DIC grid points, as shown in the lower right figure. Note that no extrapolation is performed, so values are not computed at the grid points lying outside the convex hull of the finite element nodes.

>>> ax = []
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(221))
>>> plt.plot(x_grid, y_grid, 'k.', ms=1)
>>> plt.title('DIC grid')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(222))
>>> plt.plot(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1], 'k.', ms=1)
>>> plt.title('FE nodes')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(223))
>>> mesh.plot_field(0, ax=ax[-1])
>>> plt.title('FE field')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(224))
>>> plt.imshow(interpolated, extent=(-1, 1, 1, 2), origin='lower', vmin=-4, vmax = 5)
>>> plt.title('FE field interpolated at the DIC grid')
>>> plt.tight_layout()
>>> for a in ax:
...     a.set_aspect('equal', 'box')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


You are invited to modify this example to simulate a finer mesh by increasing n_nodes. Also try different interpolation techniques.

project_onto_mesh(nodes, method='linear')[source]

Project the experimental displacement field onto a mesh.


nodes (ndarray) – 2D numpy array with 2 columns, each row corresponding to a node of the mesh, and the two columns giving the Cartesian coordinates of the nodes.


  • u_nodes, v_nodes (ndarray) – 1D numpy arrays (vectors), the components of the projected displacement field at the given nodes.

  • method ({‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’}, optional) – Type of the interpolation. The default is linear.


Suppose we have measured field data, obtained by DIC. The experimental field values are obtained as an image. The pixel centers of this image form a grid, each grid point having an associated scalar value, the value of the measured field. In this example, we pretend that the measured field is given as a function. The DIC grid and the measured field values can be seen in the upper left and lower left figures, respectively.

>>> from grains.dic import DIC
>>> from grains.geometry import TriMesh
>>> x_grid, y_grid = np.mgrid[-1:1:100j, 1:2:50j]
>>> exact_solution = lambda x, y: 1 - (x + y**2) * np.sign(x)
>>> grid = DIC(exact_solution(x_grid, y_grid).T, exact_solution(x_grid,y_grid).T)

The finite element solution is obtained at the nodes (upper right figure) of the mesh. Here, we assumed that the nodes are sampled from a uniformly random distribution on \([-1,1] \times [1, 2]\).

>>> n_nodes = 100  # modify this to see how good the interpolated solution is
>>> mesh = TriMesh(*TriMesh.sample_mesh(1, n_nodes))

For the sake of this example, we also assume that the nodal values are “exact”, i.e. they are the function values at the nodes. In reality, of course, this will not be the case, but this allows us to investigate the effect moving from the FE mesh to the DIC grid.

>>> grid.set_transformation((-1, 2), 50)
>>> fe_values = exact_solution(mesh.vertices[:, 0], mesh.vertices[:, 1])
>>> interpolated = grid.project_onto_mesh(mesh.vertices, 'nearest')

The FE solution available at the nodes are interpolated at the DIC grid points, as shown in the lower right figure. Interpolation with continuous functions cannot resolve well the discontinuity present in the “exact solution”, i.e. in the measurement data. A discontinuous manufactured solution was intentionally prepared to illustrate this.

>>> ax = []
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(221))
>>> grid.plot_physicalgrid(ax[0])
>>> plt.title('DIC grid')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(222))
>>> mesh.plot('k.', ax=ax[1], markersize=1)
>>> plt.title('FE nodes')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(223))
>>> plt.imshow(exact_solution(x_grid, y_grid).T, extent=(-1, 1, 1, 2), origin='lower',
...            vmin=-4, vmax = 5)
>>> plt.title('Exact solution on the DIC grid')
>>> ax.append(plt.subplot(224))
>>> interpolated[0][np.isnan(interpolated[0])] = 0
>>> mesh.associate_field(interpolated[0])
>>> mesh.plot_field(0, show_mesh=False, ax=ax[3])
>>> plt.title('FE solution interpolated at the DIC grid')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


You are invited to modify this example to simulate a finer mesh by increasing n_nodes. Also try different interpolation techniques.

set_transformation(origin, pixels_per_physicalunit)[source]

Sets the transformation rule between the pixel and the physical coordinate systems.

To determine the position and the size of the DIC image in the physical space, a transformation rule needs to be given, as described in the Notes section of the DIC class.

  • origin (tuple) – 2-tuple of float, the coordinates of the origin of the DIC grid (upper left corner) in the physical coordinate system.

  • pixels_per_physicalunit (float)




Computes the strain tensor from the displacement vector.

The symmetric strain tensor \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\) with components

\[\begin{split}\boldsymbol{\varepsilon} = \begin{pmatrix} \varepsilon_{11} & \varepsilon_{12} \\ \varepsilon_{21} & \varepsilon_{22} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

is computed for the given strain measure. The partial derivatives of the displacement field \((u,v)\), available on an \(m \times n\) grid, are computed with numerical differentiation with second order accuracy.


strain_measure ({‘infinitesimal’, ‘Green-Lagrange’}) – One of the following strain measures.

  • ‘infinitesimal’

    \[\begin{split}\varepsilon_{11} = \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \\ \varepsilon_{12} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} \right) \\ \varepsilon_{22} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial y} \\\end{split}\]
  • ‘Green-Lagrange’

    \[\begin{split}\varepsilon_{11} = \frac{1}{2} \left( 2\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + \left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial v}{ \partial x}\right)^2 \right) \\ \varepsilon_{12} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} \frac{\partial v}{\partial y} \right) \\ \varepsilon_{22} = \frac{1}{2} \left( 2\frac{\partial v}{\partial y} + \left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial v}{ \partial y}\right)^2 \right) \\\end{split}\]

strain_tensor (ndarray) – Components of the strain tensor as an \(m \times n \times 3\) array. The first two dimensions correspond to the grid points they are determined at, the third dimension gives the components of the tensor in the following order: \(\varepsilon_{11}, \varepsilon_{12}, \varepsilon_{22}\).


The derivatives of the displacement field are computed in the the physical coordinate system.


Consider a rectangular body with a linear displacement function in horizontal direction and no displacement vertically. The deformation of the body is such that only the horizontal strain is nonzero.

>>> u = np.array([[0, 1e-3, 2e-3, 3e-3], [0, 1e-3, 2e-3, 3e-3], [0, 1e-3, 2e-3, 3e-3]])
>>> v = np.zeros((3,4))
>>> d = DIC(u, v)
>>> E = d.strain('infinitesimal')
>>> E[:, :, 0]
array([[0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001],
       [0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001],
       [0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001]])
>>> np.allclose(E[:, :, 2], 0)
>>> np.allclose(E[:, :, 1], 0)

The Green-Lagrange strain tensor is slightly different. Comparing with the infinitesimal strain tensor shows how good the assumption of small deformations is.

>>> E_gl = d.strain('Green-Lagrange')
>>> E_gl[:, :, 0] - E[:, :, 0]
array([[5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07],
       [5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07],
       [5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07, 5.e-07]])

The other two strain components remain zero.

>>> np.allclose(E_gl[:, :, 1:2], 0)
grains.dic.plot_strain(strain, minval=None, maxval=None, colorbar=True, label='')[source]

Plots a scalar strain field.

  • strain (ndarray) – Scalar strain field sampled on an m-by-n grid, given as a 2D numpy array.

  • minval, maxval (float, optional) – Set the color scaling for the image by fixing the values that map to the colormap color limits. If minval is not provided, the limit is determined from the minimum value of the data. Similarly for maxval.

  • colorbar (bool, optional) – If True, a horizontal colorbar is placed below the strain map. The default is True.

  • label (str, optional) – Label describing the strain field. LaTeX code is also accepted, e.g. r’$varepsilon_{yy}$’. If not given, no text is displayed.



See also


Deprecated since version 1.1.0: This will be removed in 1.3.0. This function will be a static method of the DIC class. See also the deprecation warning of DIC.plot_strain().




Yield stresses and average grain diameters from Pierre’s thesis.


Determines the two Hall-Petch constants.


Computes the yield stress from the Hall-Petch relation.


Plots the Hall-Petch formula for given grain sizes and yield stresses.


Extends or crops the domain an image fills.


Characterizes the intergranular/intragranular deformations.

grains.simulation.change_domain(image, left, right, bottom, top, padding_value=nan)[source]

Extends or crops the domain an image fills.

The original image is extended, cropped or left unchanged in the left, right, bottom and top directions by padding the corresponding 2D or 3D array with a given value or removing existing elements. Non-integer image length is avoided by rounding up. This choice prevents ending up with an empty image during cropping or no added pixel during extension.

  • image (ndarray) – 2D or 3D numpy array representing the original image.

  • left, right (float) – When positive, the domain is extended, when negative, the domain is cropped by the given value relative to the image width.

  • bottom, top (float) – When positive, the domain is extended, when negative, the domain is cropped by the given value relative to the image height.

  • padding_value (float, optional) – Value for the added pixels. The default is numpy.nan.


changed_image (ndarray) – 2D or 3D numpy array representing the modified domain.


Crop an image at the top, extended it at the bottom and on the left, and leave it unchanged on the right. Note the rounding for non-integer pixels.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> image = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.5, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]])
>>> modified = change_domain(image, 0.5, 0, 1/3, -1/3, 0)
>>> image  # no in-place modification, the original image is not overwritten
array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
       [0.4, 0.5, 0.6],
       [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]])
>>> modified
array([[0. , 0. , 0.4, 0.5, 0.6],
       [0. , 0. , 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
       [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]])

Yield stresses and average grain diameters from Pierre’s thesis.


  • sigma_y (list of floats) – Yield stresses.

  • d (list of floats) – Diameters of the grains.

grains.simulation.hallpetch(sigma_0, k, d)[source]

Computes the yield stress from the Hall-Petch relation.

  • sigma_0 (float) – Starting stress for dislocation movement (material constant).

  • k (float) – Strengthening coefficient (material constant).

  • d (float or list of floats) – Diameter of the grain.


sigma_y (float or list of floats) – Yield stress.

grains.simulation.hallpetch_constants(sigma_y, d)[source]

Determines the two Hall-Petch constants. Given available measurements for the grains sizes and the yield stresses, the two constants in the Hall-Petch formula are computed.

  • sigma_y (list of floats) – Yield stresses.

  • d (list of floats) – Diameters of the grains.


  • sigma_0 (float) – Starting stress for dislocation movement (material constant).

  • k (float) – Strengthening coefficient (material constant).


If two data points are given in the inputs (corresponding to two measurements), the output parameters have unique values:

k = (sigma_y[0] - sigma_y[1]) / (1/sqrt(d[0]) - 1/sqrt(d[1])) sigma_0 = sigma_y[0] - k/sqrt(d[0])

If there are more than two measurements, the resulting linear system is overdetermined. In both cases, the outputs are determined using least squares fitting.

grains.simulation.hallpetch_plot(sigma_y, d, units=('MPa', 'mm'))[source]

Plots the Hall-Petch formula for given grain sizes and yield stresses.

  • sigma_y (ndarray) – Yield stresses.

  • d (ndarray) – Grain diameters.

  • units (2-tuple of str, optional) – Units for the yield stress and the grain diameters. The default is (“MPa”,”mm”).


fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The figure object is returned in case further manipulations are necessary.

grains.simulation.nature_of_deformation(microstructure, strain_field, interface_width=3, visualize=True)[source]

Characterizes the intergranular/intragranular deformations.

To decide whether the strain localization is intergranular (happens along grain boundaries, also called interfaces) or intragranular in a given microstructure, the strain field is projected on the microstructure. Here, by strain field we mean a scalar field, often called equivalent strain that is derived from a strain tensor.

It is irrelevant for this function whether the strain field is obtained from a numerical simulation or from a (post-processed) full-field measurement. All what matters is that the strain field be available on a grid of the same size as the microstructure.

The strain field is assumed to be localized on an interface if its neighborhood, with band width defined by the user, contains higher strain values than what is outside the band (i.e. the grain interiors). A too large band width identifies small grains to have boundary only, without any interior. This means that even if the strain field in reality localizes inside such small grains, the localization is classified as intergranular. However, even for extreme deformations, one should not expect that the strain localizes on an interface with a single-point width. Moreover, using a too small band width is susceptible to the exact position of the interfaces, which are extracted from the grain microstructure. A judicial balance needs to be achieved in practice.

  • microstructure (ndarray) – Labelled image corresponding to the segmented grains in a grain microstructure.

  • strain_field (ndarray) – Discrete scalar field of the same size as the microstructure.

  • interface_width (int, optional) – Thickness of the band around the interfaces.

  • visualize (bool, optional) – If True, three plots are created. Two of them show the deformation field within the bands and outside the bands. They are linked together, so when you pan or zoom on one, the other plot will follow. The third plot contains two histograms on top of each other, giving the frequency of the strain values within the bands and outside the bands.


  • boundary_strain (ndarray) – Copy of strain_field, but values outside the band are set to NaN.

  • bulk_strain (ndarray) – Copy of strain_field, but values within the band are set to NaN.

  • bands (ndarray) – Boolean array of the same size as strain_field, with True values corresponding to the band.

See also


Computes a strain tensor from the displacement field.


Extracts a scalar quantity from a strain tensor.


Plots a histogram.


  1. From the modelling viewpoint, it is important to know whether the strain localizes to the grain boundaries or it is dominant within the grains as well. In the former case, simplifications in the models save computational time in the simulations.

  2. In dynamics, the evolution of the strain field is relevant. E.g. an initially intergranular deformation can turn into diffuse localization that occurs within the grains as well. In that case, a strain field must be obtained at each time step, and this function can be called for each such instance.


The following figure was created by this function with visualize set to True and band_width chosen to be 3.



This module provides general utility functions used by the grains package. The specific helper functions reside in the proper module. For example, a function that works on a general list goes here, but a computational geometry algorithm goes to the geometry module. The functions in the utils module can be interesting for other projects too, partly because of their general scope, and partly because of the few dependencies.



Set of duplicate elements in a sequence.


Return True for False values and False for True values in a list.


Index a list by another list.


Merge a list of lists to a single list.


Return the indices that would sort a list or a tuple.


Apply a function to each member of an iterable in-place.


Finds indices of non-unique elements in a 1D or 2D ndarray.


Compares keyword arguments with defaults.


Creates a zip archive from a single file.


Decompresses the contents of a zip archive into the current directory.


Decompresses the contents of a zip archive into a dictionary.


Neighboring points to a grid point.

grains.utils.argsorted(sequence, reverse=False)[source]

Return the indices that would sort a list or a tuple.

Implementation is taken from

  • sequence (list, tuple) – Input sequence in which the sorted indices to be found.

  • reverse (bool) – If set to True, then the elements are sorted as if each comparison was reversed.


list – List of indices that would sort the input list/tuple.


>>> argsorted([2, 1.1, 1.1])
[1, 2, 0]
>>> argsorted([2, 1.1, 1.1], reverse=True)
[0, 1, 2]
>>> argsorted(())
grains.utils.compress(filename, level=9)[source]

Creates a zip archive from a single file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to be compressed.

  • level (int, optional) – Level of compression. Integers 0 through 9 are accepted. The default is 9.



See also


grains.utils.decompress(filename, path=None)[source]

Decompresses the contents of a zip archive into the current directory.

  • filename (str) – Name of the zip archive.

  • path (str, optional) – Directory to extract to. The default is the directory the function is called from.

See also



Decompresses the contents of a zip archive into a dictionary.


filename (str) – Name of the zip archive.


data (dict) – The keys of the dictionary are the compressed file names (without extension), the corresponding values are their contents.

See also



Set of duplicate elements in a sequence.


sequence (sequence types (list, tuple, string, etc.)) – Sequence possibly containing repeating elements.


set – Set of unique values.


Copied from


Note that the order of the elements in the resulting set does not matter.

>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5]  # list
>>> duplicates(a)
{1, 2, 5}
>>> a = (1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0)  # tuple
>>> duplicates(a)
{0, 1, -1}
>>> a = 'abbcdkc'  # string
>>> duplicates(a)
{'c', 'b'}

Merge a list of lists to a single list.


nested_list (list) – List containing other lists.


list – Flattened list.



>>> nested_list = [['some'], ['items']]
>>> flatten_list(nested_list)
['some', 'items']
>>> multiply_nested_list = [[['item'], 'within', 'item']]
>>> flatten_list(multiply_nested_list)
[['item'], 'within', 'item']
grains.utils.index_list(lst, indices)[source]

Index a list by another list.

  • lst (list) – List to be indexed.

  • indices (list) – Indices of the original list that will form the new list.


list – Members of lst, selected by indices.


>>> index_list(['c', ['nested', 'list'], 13], [1, 2])
[['nested', 'list'], 13]
grains.utils.map_inplace(function, __iterable)[source]

Apply a function to each member of an iterable in-place.

  • function (function object) – Function to be applied to the entries of the iterable.

  • __iterable (iterable) – Iterable.


Comprehensions or functional tools work on iterators, thereby not modifying the original container ( For in-place modification, the conventional for loop approach is used (


>>> lst = ['2', 2]; func = lambda x: x*2
>>> map_inplace(func, lst); lst
['22', 4]
>>> lifespan = {'cat': 15, 'dog': 12}; die_early = lambda x: x/2
>>> map_inplace(die_early, lifespan); lifespan
{'cat': 7.5, 'dog': 6.0}
grains.utils.neighborhood(center, radius, norm, method='ball', bounds=None)[source]

Neighboring points to a grid point.

Given a point in a subspace of \(\mathbb{Z}^n\), the neighboring points are determined based on the specified rules.


Currently, the neighbors are deterministically but not systematically ordered. Apart from testing purposes, this does not seem to be a big issue. Still, a logical ordering is desirable. E.g. ordering in increasing coordinate values, first in the first dimension and lastly in the last dimension.

  • center (tuple of int) – Point \(x_0\) around which the neighborhood is searched. It must be an n-tuple of integers, where \(n\) is the spatial dimension.

  • radius (int, positive) – Radius of the ball or sphere in which the neighbors are searched. If the radius is 1, the immediate neighbors are returned.

  • norm ({1, inf}) – Type of the vector norm \(\| x - x_0 \|\), where \(x\) is a point whose distance is searched from the center \(x_0\).






    \(\| x \|_1 = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|\)


    maximum norm

    \(\| x \|_{\infty} = \max\{ |x_1|, \ldots, |x_n| \}\)

    where inf means numpy’s np.inf object.

  • method ({‘ball’, ‘sphere’}, optional) – Specifies the criterion of how to decide whether a point \(x\) is in the neighborhood of \(x_0\). The default is ‘ball’.

    For ‘ball’:

    \[\| x - x_0 \| \leq r\]

    For ‘sphere’:

    \[\| x - x_0 \| = r\]

    where \(r\) is the radius passed as the radius parameter and the type of the norm is taken based on the norm input parameter.

  • bounds (list of tuple, optional) – Restricts the neighbors within a box. The dimensions of the n-dimensional box are given as a list of 2-tuples: [(x_1_min, x_1_max), … , (x_n_min, x_n_max)]. The default value is an unbounded box in all dimensions. Use np.inf to indicate unbounded values.


neighbors (tuple of ndarray) – Tuple of length n, each entry being a 1D numpy array: the integer indices of the points that are in the neighborhood of center.


1. The von Neumann neighborhood with range \(r\) is a special case when radius=r, norm=1 and method='ball'.

2. The Moore neighborhood with range \(r\) is a special case when radius=r, norm=np.inf and method='ball'.


Find the Moore neighborhood with range 2 the point (1) on the half-line [0, inf).

>>> neighborhood((1,), 2, np.inf, bounds=[(0, np.inf)])
(array([0, 1, 2, 3]),)

Find the von Neumann neighborhood with range 2 around the point (2, 2), restricted on the domain [0, 4] x [0, 3].

>>> neighborhood((2, 2), 2, 1, bounds=[(0, 4), (0, 3)])
(array([2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]))

Find the Moore neighborhood with range 1 around the point (0, -4) such that the neighbors lie on the half-plane [0, 2] x (-inf, -4].

>>> neighborhood((0, -4), 1, np.inf, bounds=[(0, 2), (-np.inf, -4)])
(array([0, 1, 0, 1]), array([-5, -5, -4, -4]))

Find the sphere of radius 2, measured in the 1-norm, around the point (-1, 0, 3), within the half-space {(x,y,z) in Z^3 | y>=0}.

>>> neighborhood((-1, 0, 3), 2, 1, 'sphere', [(-np.inf, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (-np.inf, np.inf)])  
(array([-3, -2, -2, -1, -1,  0,  0,  1, -2, -1, -1,  0, -1]),
 array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]),
 array([3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3]))
grains.utils.non_unique(array, axis=None)[source]

Finds indices of non-unique elements in a 1D or 2D ndarray.

  • array (ndarray) – Array in which the non-unique elements are searched.

  • axis ({None, 0, 1}, optional) – The axis to operate on. If None, array will be flattened. If an integer, the subarrays indexed by the given axis will be flattened and treated as the elements of a 1-D array with the dimension of the given axis. Object arrays or structured arrays that contain objects are not supported if the axis kwarg is used. The default is None.


  • nonunique_values (list) – Unique (individual, row or column) entries.

  • nonunique_indices (list) – Each element of the list corresponds to non-unique elements, whose indices are given in a 1D numpy array.


In a 1D array, the repeated values and their indices are found by

>>> val, idx = non_unique(np.array([1, -1, 0, -1, 2, 5, 0, -1]))
>>> val
[-1, 0]
>>> idx
[array([1, 3, 7]), array([2, 6])]

In the matrix below, we can see that rows 0 and 2 are identical, as well as rows 1 and 4.

>>> val, idx = non_unique(np.array([[1, 3], [2, 4], [1, 3], [-1, 0], [2, 4]]), axis=0)
>>> val
[array([1, 3]), array([2, 4])]
>>> idx
[array([0, 2]), array([1, 4])]

By transposing the matrix above, the same holds for the columns.

>>> val, idx = non_unique(np.array([[1, 2, 1, -1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 0, 4]]), axis=1)
>>> val
[array([1, 3]), array([2, 4])]
>>> idx
[array([0, 2]), array([1, 4])]

If the dimensions along which to find the duplicates are not given, the input is flattened and the indexing happens in C-order (row-wise).

>>> val, idx = non_unique(np.array([[1, 2, 1, -1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 0, 4]]))
>>> val
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> idx
[array([0, 2]), array([1, 4]), array([5, 7]), array([6, 9])]
grains.utils.parse_kwargs(kwargs, defaults)[source]

Compares keyword arguments with defaults.

Allows processing keyword arguments supplied to a function by the user by comparing them with an admissible set of options defined by the developer. There are three cases:

1. The keyword given by the user is present in the set the developer provides. Then the value belonging to the keyword overrides the default value.

2. The keyword given by the user is not present in the set the developer provides. In this case, the unrecognized keyword, along with its value, is saved separately.

3. The keyword existing in the set the developer provides is not given by the user. Then the default value is used.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments (parameter-value pairs) passed to a function.

  • defaults (dict) – Default parameter-value pairs.


  • parsed (dict) – Dictionary with the same keys as defaults, the parsed parameter-value pairs.

  • unknown (dict) – Dictionary containing the parameter-value pairs not present in defaults.


The default values, given in the input dictionary defaults, are never overwritten.


>>> default_options = {'opt1': 1, 'opt2': 'string', 'opt3': [-1, 0]}
>>> user_options = {'opt3': [2, 3, -1], 'opt2': 'string',  'opt4': -2.14}
>>> parsed_options, unknown_options = parse_kwargs(user_options, default_options)
>>> parsed_options
{'opt1': 1, 'opt2': 'string', 'opt3': [2, 3, -1]}
>>> unknown_options
{'opt4': -2.14}

Return True for False values and False for True values in a list.


lst (list) – An arbitrary list, possibly containing other lists.


list – Element-wise logical not operator applied on the input list.


Solution taken from


>>> toggle([True, False])
[False, True]
>>> toggle(['h', 0, 2.3, -2, 5, []])
[False, True, False, False, False, True]


This module implements profiling facilities so that user code can be tested for speed.


profile([output_format, output_filename, …])

Profiles a block of code with Pyinstrument.

grains.profiling.profile(output_format='html', output_filename=None, html_open=False)[source]

Profiles a block of code with Pyinstrument.

Intended to be used in a with statement.

  • output_format ({‘html’, ‘text’}, optional) – Shows the result either as text or in an HTML file. If output_format = 'html', the file is saved according to the output_filename parameter. The default is ‘html’.

  • output_filename (str, optional) – Only taken into account if output_format = 'html'. If not given (default), the html output is saved to the same directory the caller resides. The name of the html file is the same as that of the caller.

  • html_open (bool, optional) – Only taken into account if output_format = 'html'. If True, the generated HTML file is opened in the default browser. The default is False.


In the implementation, we move two levels up in the stack frame, one for exiting the context manager and one for exiting this generator. This assumes that profile() was called as a context manager. As a good practice, provide the output_filename input argument.


Measure the time needed to generate 1 million uniformly distributed random numbers.

>>> import random
>>> with profile('html') as p:
...    for _ in range(1000000):
...        rand_num = random.uniform(1, 2.2)
