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Identification of individual grains in microscopic images

CristalX is a Python package that helps in the analysis of polycrystalline microstructures. Its name originates from the French word ‘cristal’, corresponding to the English word ‘crystal’.


  • Image segmentation to identify the grains in a microstructure

  • Analysis tools for the segmented image

  • Explicit geometrical representation of the grains

  • Interacting with meshes created on the microstructure

  • Mapping fields between a mesh and the grid of DIC measurements

  • Simulation tools for the inverse problem arising from a combined numerical-experimental method (in progress …)

  • Visualization and data exchange

Getting help

  1. Read the documentation.

  2. Check the existing issues. They may already provide an answer to you question.

  3. Open a new issue.


Read the docs/source/ file.

Citing CristalX

We have an article freely available on SoftwareX, showing the background and the design of CristalX.

When using CristalX in scientific publications, please cite the following paper:

  • Csati, Z.; Witz, J.-F.; Magnier, V.; Bartali, A. E.; Limodin, N. & Najjar, D. CristalX: Facilitating simulations for experimentally obtained grain-based microstructures. SoftwareX, 2021, 14, 100669

BibTeX entry:

  author    = {Zoltan Csati and Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois Witz and Vincent Magnier and Ahmed El Bartali and Nathalie Limodin and Denis Najjar},
  journal   = {{SoftwareX}},
  title     = {{CristalX}: {F}acilitating simulations for experimentally obtained grain-based microstructures},
  year      = {2021},
  month     = jun,
  pages     = {100669},
  volume    = {14},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.softx.2021.100669},