Source code for grains.segmentation

This module contains the Segmentation class, responsible for the image
segmentation of grain-based materials (rocks, metals, etc.)

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: classes/



import os.path as path

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
from skimage import io, segmentation, color, measure
from skimage.future import graph
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from skimage.segmentation import watershed

from .gala_light import imextendedmin

[docs]class Segmentation: """Segmentation of grain-based microstructures Attributes ---------- original_image : ndarray Matrix representing the initial, unprocessed image. save_location : str Directory where the processed images are saved """
[docs] def __init__(self, image_location, save_location=None, interactive_mode=True): """Initialize the class with file paths and with some options Parameters ---------- image_location : str Path to the image to be segmented, file extension included. save_location : str, optional Path to directory where images will be outputted. If not given, the same directory is used where the input image is loaded from. interactive_mode : bool, optional When True, images of each image manipulation step are plotted and details are shown in the console. Default is False. Returns ------- None. """ # Check inputs if not path.isfile(image_location): raise Exception('Image file {0} does not exist'.format(image_location)) extension = path.splitext(image_location)[1][1:] allowed_extensions = ['png', 'bmp', 'tiff'] if extension.lower() not in allowed_extensions: raise Exception('Unsupported image file type {0}. Choose from one of the following \ image types: {1}.'.format(extension, allowed_extensions)) self.image_location = image_location if save_location is None: self.save_location = path.dirname(image_location) else: self.save_location = save_location self.__interactive_mode = interactive_mode self.__stored_graph = None # Load the image and optionally show it self.original_image = io.imread(image_location) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(self.original_image) print('Image successfully loaded.')
[docs] def filter_image(self, window_size, image_matrix=None): """Median filtering on an image. The median filter is useful in our case as it preserves the important borders (i.e. the grain boundaries). Parameters ---------- window_size : int Size of the sampling window. image_matrix : 3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension, optional Input image to be filtered. If not given, the original image is used. Returns ------- filtered_image : 3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension Filtered image, output of the median filter algorithm. """ if image_matrix is None: image = self.original_image else: not_ndarray = not isinstance(image_matrix, np.ndarray) wrong_shape = len(np.shape(image_matrix)) != 3 or np.shape(image_matrix)[2] != 3 if not_ndarray or wrong_shape: raise Exception('3D ndarray with size 3 in the third dimension expected.') image = image_matrix filtered_image = ndi.median_filter(image, window_size) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(filtered_image) print('Median filtering finished.') return filtered_image
[docs] def initial_segmentation(self, *args): """Perform the quick shift superpixel segmentation on an image. The quick shift algorithm is invoked with its default parameters. Parameters ---------- *args : 3D numpy array with size 3 in the third dimension Input image to be segmented. If not given, the original image is used. Returns ------- segment_mask : ndarray Label image, output of the quick shift algorithm. """ if args: image = args[0] else: image = self.original_image segment_mask = segmentation.quickshift(image) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(color.label2rgb(segment_mask, self.original_image, kind='avg')) print('Quick shift segmentation finished. ' 'Number of segments: {0}'.format(np.amax(segment_mask))) return segment_mask
[docs] def merge_clusters(self, segmented_image, threshold=5): """Merge tiny superpixel clusters. Superpixel segmentations result in oversegmented images. Based on graph theoretic tools, similar clusters are merged. Parameters ---------- segmented_image : ndarray Label image, output of a segmentation. threshold : float, optional Regions connected by edges with smaller weights are combined. Returns ------- merged_superpixels : ndarray The new labelled array. """ if self.__stored_graph is None: # Region Adjacency Graph (RAG) not yet determined -> compute it g = graph.rag_mean_color(self.original_image, segmented_image) self.__stored_graph = g else: g = self.__stored_graph merged_superpixels = graph.cut_threshold(segmented_image, g, threshold, in_place=False) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(color.label2rgb(merged_superpixels, self.original_image, kind='avg')) print('Tiny clusters merged. ' 'Number of segments: {0}'.format(np.amax(merged_superpixels))) return merged_superpixels
[docs] def find_grain_boundaries(self, segmented_image): """Find the grain boundaries. Parameters ---------- segmented_image : ndarray Label image, output of a segmentation. Returns ------- boundary : bool ndarray A bool ndarray, where True represents a boundary pixel. """ boundary = segmentation.find_boundaries(segmented_image) if self.__interactive_mode: # Superimpose the boundaries of the segmented image on the original image superimposed = segmentation.mark_boundaries(self.original_image, segmented_image, mode='thick') io.imshow(superimposed) print('Grain boundaries found.') return boundary
[docs] def create_skeleton(self, boundary_image): """Use thinning on the grain boundary image to obtain a single-pixel wide skeleton. Parameters ---------- boundary_image : bool ndarray A binary image containing the objects to be skeletonized. Returns ------- skeleton : bool ndarray Thinned image. """ skeleton = skeletonize(boundary_image) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(skeleton) print('Skeleton constructed.') return skeleton
[docs] def watershed_segmentation(self, skeleton): """Watershed segmentation of a granular microstructure. Uses the watershed transform to label non-overlapping grains in a cellular microstructure given by the grain boundaries. Parameters ---------- skeleton : bool ndarray A binary image, the skeletonized grain boundaries. Returns ------- segmented : ndarray Label image, output of the watershed segmentation. """ if != 'bool': raise Exception('A numpy array of type bool expected.') # Create a distance function whose maxima will serve as watershed basins distance_function = distance_transform_edt(1 - skeleton) # Turn the distance function to a negative distance function for watershed distance_function = np.negative(distance_function) # Do not yet use watershed as that would result an oversegmented image # (each local minima of the distance function would become a catchment basin). # Hence, first execute the extended-minima transform to find the regional minima mask = imextendedmin(distance_function, 2) # The watershed segmentation can now be performed labelled = measure.label(mask) segmented = watershed(distance_function, labelled) if self.__interactive_mode: io.imshow(color.label2rgb(segmented)) print('Watershed segmentation finished. ' 'Number of segments: {0}'.format(np.amax(segmented))) return segmented
[docs] def save_image(self, filename, array, is_label_image=False): """Save an image as a numpy array. The array is saved in the standard numpy format, into the directory determined by the `save_location` attribute. Parameters ---------- filename : str The array is saved under this name, with extension .npy array : ndarray An image represented as a numpy array. is_label_image : bool True if the array represents a labeled image. """ # local_vars = list(locals().items()) # for key, val in local_vars: # if type(val) is np.ndarray and (val == array).all(): # break name = path.join(self.save_location, filename) if is_label_image: nlabel = len(np.unique(array)) io.imsave(name, color.label2rgb(array, colors=np.random.random((nlabel, 3)))) else: io.imsave(name, array)
[docs] def save_array(self, filename, array): """Save an image as a numpy array. The array is saved in the standard numpy format, into the directory determined by the `save_location` attribute. Parameters ---------- filename : str The array is saved under this name, with extension .npy array : ndarray An image represented as a numpy array. """, filename), array)