
grains.utils.parse_kwargs(kwargs, defaults)[source]

Compares keyword arguments with defaults.

Allows processing keyword arguments supplied to a function by the user by comparing them with an admissible set of options defined by the developer. There are three cases:

1. The keyword given by the user is present in the set the developer provides. Then the value belonging to the keyword overrides the default value.

2. The keyword given by the user is not present in the set the developer provides. In this case, the unrecognized keyword, along with its value, is saved separately.

3. The keyword existing in the set the developer provides is not given by the user. Then the default value is used.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments (parameter-value pairs) passed to a function.

  • defaults (dict) – Default parameter-value pairs.


  • parsed (dict) – Dictionary with the same keys as defaults, the parsed parameter-value pairs.

  • unknown (dict) – Dictionary containing the parameter-value pairs not present in defaults.


The default values, given in the input dictionary defaults, are never overwritten.


>>> default_options = {'opt1': 1, 'opt2': 'string', 'opt3': [-1, 0]}
>>> user_options = {'opt3': [2, 3, -1], 'opt2': 'string',  'opt4': -2.14}
>>> parsed_options, unknown_options = parse_kwargs(user_options, default_options)
>>> parsed_options
{'opt1': 1, 'opt2': 'string', 'opt3': [2, 3, -1]}
>>> unknown_options
{'opt4': -2.14}